3D movies get old after the opening previews/credits. Seriously once a text flies at my face once I'm done and ready to take them off. I mean it doesn't help I wear glasses so its. Glasses. Then 3D glasses. So it's kinda annoying to sit for 2.5 + hours for some movie I'd rather see in 2D. It's a cool new idea and it's fun for 10 min but I've had enough of it. Seriously I'd rather pay less for a better/more comfortable movie experience. really it's getting old. same with you Hollywood. Make better stuff. lol
Yeah, they are really milking out that 3D gimmick. They think that compensates for the lack of quality in today's movies, but they will have to stop that eventually... i hope. I would guess that next would have to be the VR experience, where you are inside the movie! I really hope i am wrong...
I don't know why you are hoping that you are wrong. I think VR is a great gimmick for movies. It shouldn't be applicable in all movies but it would be a good diversion to the same old 2d movies.
Well you can't blame these companies for taking advantage of the 3D hype, after all it does bring in more money. We are not really being forced to avail of the added perks of wearing those 3D glasses anyway, so if we did not like them, then we will just simply not avail of it the next time we watch a movie.
The blue man group hit all 5 senses at their shows, that's pretty cool. 3D is a little outlandish if you ask me. You pay extra (a lot extra) to wear crappy glasses to randomly see objects fly at you. Movies like avitar which were made specifically to show off the technology are pretty cool. But I refuse to watch a movie they've "made 3d" afterwords.
Well said Sidney. People in the movie industry simply want to innovate. Us consumers have more choices because of this. I'd rather have more choices because of innovation rather than have none at all.