My parents in law will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary in 2 weeks and we are all preparing a big party for them, I mean, 50 years married is something more rare and rare these days. Have you ever been to such a party? It's pretty much like a wedding no?
What an event! A couple of friends of mine have been married for 63 years. They are in their eighties now, and still hold hands and think the world of each other. I am amazed how some people can form a bond that will span over many decades, a life time. It's actually quite incredible to me. But to be honest, I don't really envy them. They have been sticking together like glue for half a century, produced six kids and lived all their life in the same town, without seeing much else of the world. But each to their own.
63 years is a remarkable date! Why do you say it's something that you don't envy, you don't wish to be as long with the same person? I am been very busy these days making the invitations and buying clothes to the event, less than one week from today!