Does anybody know what I'm talking about? a dull life! Has anyone of you ever stop and observed people or yourself, and realize, wow! what a dull life they or I live! when will it stop?! The cycle of; work-> home-> bed, when will that change, when will it be work-> home-> fun-> bed, or fun-> travel-> home-> more fun. These days, all I notice is the same cycle as mentioned before that makes life boring, mmm, well, it seems like no one else is complaining but me so I guess it's not that bad huh? :-/ oops, or may be I'm boring and have nothing to do but notice boring things? Lol, well, whatever the case is, It's merely my opinion and I'm entitled to it, so, give me your opinions, how do you go about daily living?! :-D
Dull is as dull as you let it be. You don't have to go out or travel to have fun. For some it could be impossible but we are all different. My idea of having fun would be different from what someone else will see as a fun activity. Anyway, I'm self-employed and the work I MUST do can be done in less than two hours leaving me with more than enough time to enjoy myself. I can go hiking, read a book, visit neighbors or go fishing with a friend who is also free . . . it's a fun-filled life I live.
I know that it's actually quite difficult to break out of that dullness cycle. You don't even know exactly when it started, you just know that you are in it, and that you want to get out of it. I know of people who have changed their jobs, their apartments, even their partners, to try and break that cycle. But the interesting thing is, that even after all those changes, many of them still fall back into the same old patterns. So, I'd say it probably needs more work on one's outlook on life rather than making sudden big changes. I believe it's a gradual process of becoming more aware of what is going on, and then acting accordingly to create a greater, overall balance.