I don't write a lot of cheques (Yes that is a Canadian spelling) these days but need to have them around. I just came to the point when I needed to reorder more and was shocked by the price. It works out to about 75 cents per cheque. It has been a few years since I last ordered them but I don't think they were anywhere near as expensive as I would likely have remembered being shocked. It is a perfectly legal thing to photo copy a blank cheque and to hand write in the details. I have needed to do this in the past. It doesn't look as impressive but the only important parts on a cheque are the bank and account numbers. As long as the details are clear and the cheque is signed and dated, it is a legal document. Have you needed to order cheques recently? Have the prices skyrocketed? I am wondering if the way banking has changed has reduced the demand to the point where the prices needed to go up.
I'm still from the time when cheques were free and had no expire date. In fact I still have quite a few of those I just found the other day. This just proves how much money banks make, they just invent stuff for us to pay and that's it!