I just been a couple of days away in the beach and got stunned by something new, the access to the beach seems to be in private property and now we have to pay to go there with the car, or we can make a 2 kilometer walk if we prefer! Is this legal? I think it's abusive that we have to pay for something that was free all my life...
You got some corrupt officials in your city who sold of public land to someone? If that's what happened then it's legal for them to charge you for passing through their property. Since the alternative presented isn't all that great, most people to avoid the inconvenience of walking 2km would fork out the money which is demanded. It would be real tough on those who come to the beach without money . . .
I guess that's legal if you're driving through private property. It's even worse when the actual beach is private property like some hotels have for example, there you either pay to enter beach or can't even access it at all! It's a real shame that this happens, I think all beaches should be of public access, but I guess that's not how it works anymore...
I don't know about the situation in your country, but it's not legal here in Slovenia. The sea is public property so you can't make the beach private property and you can't charge people to access the sea. It is a bummer that you had to go through that, sadly. Charging people just to pass through your property sounds absurd. Do they seriously do that? It's quite stupid if you ask me, getting money from people that just came there to have some fun.
Wow some people can be so cruel, I guess the world is turned in some people eyes for just money. Its sad that one would have to pay just to drive thru to the beach to enjoy themselves. it sad but unfortunately there are people around here that are truly all for the money they see the opportunity to make money and this is what they do.
I have only experienced private beaches in Italy and in the USA so far. I did rent an apartment with a private beach and the owner told me that her great-grandparents owned the land. The beach extended to a public part and is marked with 'private beach' signs. However, people did always come on and they were always reminded that it was private. The owner told me they are responsible for the up keep, any debris that washed up and it costs them to remove the seaweed and glass that can be found. It made me realize there is a different side to being an owner of a beach. She had to pay for the disposal of dead birds as well which was not pleasant.
While I understand how a beach can be private property I don't understand how a road that grants access to a public spot is private. Seems like a money grabbing scheme with corruption involved If the local administration was all good in the head they'd provide an alternate access road or keep the one available open for tourists. Out of curiosity, what country are we taking about here?
That doesn't seem to bad to be honest, I'd gladly handle the upkeep of a beach if it meant having my private one, handling debris in my head just sounds as - let's see what treasure washed up today- and disposal of the dead birds can't be that hard really can it? It's nothing that can't be dealt with by making a campfire . Funny how it was connected to a public beach too, was there a security guard or someone keeping the trespassers out, or did you have to do it yourself?
Its good thinking that you have access to the beach and if you was want to enjoy then your priority to walk and cover the distance but anyways you are right in his mission ..
To be honest I don't think corruption is involved here, the beach is public and always will be and there is the right for private property, but limiting the access of people to the beach sounds criminal to me and I think some law should be made so that we didn't have to pay...
I agree. It's stupid because you shouldn't have to pay for a natural form of enjoyment but you know what they say "nothing is free" I don't live near a beach so I wouldn't really be affected by something like this and the one in my state will have cold temperatures soon I'm sure.
I guess those lands had private owners for quite a while and up to 5 or 10 years ago it was free to pass by them, but some clever minds decided to charge and that worked. Comparing to parking issues in other beaches I have to say that it's really easy to park there, just expensive.