One of my most treasured acquisition is the ACER ASPIRE ONE Notebook. It has been a top performer since I bought it. However, one day it did loose all the battery's ability to charge. It since then can't work without plugging onto a power source. This obviously reduces its portability or effectiveness as a Notebook. What might be the problem?. Please share your thought..........................
How long have you had your netbook? Could it be the battery is just worn out maybe. I just got my daughter a Netbook, and she loves it. Maybe it is just the battery itself, maybe you could try and see if that is the problem. Good Luck!
My mom has the same netbook brand & model and she experiences problems with the battery durability too. I have a Dell Inspiron Mini netbook and its battery lasts way more than the Acer's does. I haven't really been able to find a solution to her problem, but adjusting the screen brightness did help a bit.
Acer makes good quality laptops, but with many manufacturers they will put in a lower quality battery to cut the costs down to the customer. Try this....put the battery in the freezer in a ziploc bag for one day, take the battery out and let it thaw for 5 hours, put the battery in the laptop and let it charge for 2 hours without turning laptop on.....this may fix your battery, if not check ebay you can likely get one for less than 20 dollars.
Darren777 -- thanks for the hint. I have an Acer Laptop and my son has an Acer laptop. His being newer than mine, I would have thought it would have lasted longer than mine, but it hasn't. I think maybe they do put an inferior grade battery to cut costs. I do think that the laptop is really good and I will just buy another battery when the time comes.
If the battery is within warranty then go ahead and have it replaced. If not then buying a replacement is the next best thing. Make sure the contact points are clean though, that might be the reason it isn't charging. My Acer has been with me for 2 years and I've not had problems with battery life although it only works for 3 hours at most fully charged.
Batteries do not last forever and only have a certain amount of cycle counts (amount of times you it goes down from 100% to 0%) before it is completely depleted. You can probably find a replacement on ebay or Amazon for real cheap.
My daughter also has a netbook acer aspire one, and she says her battery last a long time, I hope it keeps on, but if I were to need a battery for, do they sell them at Walmart stores?
I don't think Walmart sells the batteries. You would have to probably get them online. I know ebay has them. probably does too. When we first got our laptops our batteries lasted a long time too. Ours both is out of warranty though. We will have to buy one. Thanks.
I must admit that I don't admire the strategy of taking the cost to the consumers by major laptop manufacturers. Anyway I'll try your suggestions, I just don't know the risks associated with this procedure. Thanks though!
I would say that you just got a netbook with a bad battery. Stuff like that happens even to the best of products, and I will agree that Acer is a top brand. However, Acer is a top brand for the price, not necessarily at the top for superior quality. While it is a great netbook, there can be problems that arise from time to time.
Interesting trick, I'll pass that along to my friend who just got a new Acer laptop for Christmas. So far, he has had no problems but it sounds like a good trick to keep in mind if he ever does. Nice share, thanks!