Hi there folks! Here's the deal: I pride myself on having a great smile, and I've been complement on it a bunch of times. But I'd still like to get them a little bit whiter. Any tips? Thanks for sharing! Have a great one!
I like to use more simple and less harmful products. So I usually use baking soda, I simply put it on my damp tooth brush and brush. It acts as a whitener but also an abrasive substance to get the "gunk" off the surface if my teeth. After I've brushed for a normal amount of time and use a little bit of normal hydrogen peroxide for mouth wash. And I must say it always feels like I've been to the dentist for a cleaning. I hope this helps, good luck!
I believe it's all in what you put in your body. Dark drinks etc, will stain. Acidic food and drink will erode the enamel. A healthy diet of whole foods makes the teeth whiter than anything else, in my opinion. Products are more likely to cause long term issues.
I actually noticed Rembrandt toothpaste helps to whiten your teeth very much. I used it before and now always try to buy it when I have the money. It is something that I have noticed has caused an improvement in the shade of my teeth. They have different kinds. If I was you I would look out for the Teeth Whitening or Removal Stains on the cover.
I use baking soda and peroxide on my teeth to keep them white. Initially I used a baking soda and peroxide paste to brush with twice a week until I got them to the desired shade of white. Now I only brush with the paste about twice a month to maintain. It is a cheap and simple fix!
I am quite curious as I'm having the same issues with my teeth - especially my canines (they're the first ones to yellow after all). How long does it take for the baking soda and peroxide mix to work? Does it work immediately or after a few brushes? Isn't peroxide a toxic substance? I mean I find it risky to apply that substance on my teeth because it might leave a toxic aftertaste in my mouth, if you know what I mean. We have hydrogen peroxide at home and we use it for cleaning our wounds - not really for whitening teeth.
These sound like stuff Walter White uses... I'm kind of scared of going this route. I was hoping you guys would recommend eating some kind of flowers or something like that I'll do my reading though... Thanks! Yeah, coffee really is the enemy here. But I don't think I can live without it. At least now right now... I don't think eating a a lot of spinach makes your teeth whiter tough... Thanks guys!
Mixing backing soda with lemon juice and some 3% hydrogen peroxide so it creates a paste is really good for whiting your teeth. It can be a little damaging to your teeth if you used too often or if you have sensitive gums so please be wary of that. You can also get some whiting teeth kits on eBay or amazon and they use a some 44% peroxide gel and some teeth trays. It seems to be getting a lot of good reviews so I might give it a try in a week or so.
Actually it will.. everything you put in your body contributes to the outer appearance. The healthier the diet, the more resilient your teeth, the whiter they are. The healthier the body, the healthier the core of each tooth, the healthier and whiter their appearance. What you consume is everything. The action of brushing is just one little aspect of what everyone should be doing and products just works against you over time.
Drinking coffee can make your teeth look more yellow than it should normally look like. I actually know that your teeth looking white does not mean that your teeth are healthy. Going to the dentist regularly will keep your teeth healthy. But if you want to have white teeth using Colgate whitening strips or the Rembrandt toothpaste will work. I have used Rembrandt toothpaste and my teeth shade did improve.
If you have the budget then a visit to the dentist is all you need. It might be a bit expensive but it's a safe and sure way to get your teeth whiter. I've seen a couple of good deals for teeth whitening in some group buying sites. In my country, up to 70% discount is available from time to time at Metrodeal and Groupons sites.
I don't know why, but coffee doesn't stain my teeth at all, and I have at least 2 cups daily without fail. I've been told I have very white teeth, and people always ask me what I do to them. I use a herbal whitening toothpaste by Colgate religiously, and also a non-alcoholic mouth wash with whitening properties. That's all I do. I'm interested in the baking soda method, though. I knew someone who used it with great success, so I think i'll give it a bash maybe once every fortnight.