Air France and Facebook Game-what would you do your first day if you won?

Discussion in Travel started by H.C. Heartland • Aug 26, 2014.

  1. H.C. Heartland

    H.C. HeartlandActive Member

    May 8, 2014
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    Play 'La Difference' on this Facebook page:

    Log In

    and win a chance to receive 2 business class tickets to Paris, France. You have to spot the image difference
    in each image set presented. There is also a video link where you can upload 'your story' and win a chance
    to tour the Boeing factories. Don't worry if you see a lot of French on the webpage, there are usually always
    links where you can have it translated if it isn't already when it pops up on the page.

    What would you do your first day in Paris? I think I would buy a Chocolate Croissant and sit at the free
    section of the Louvre Museum and just people watch, pigeon watch, or statue watch if you will.