Has anyone here gotten to try any of the other methods for removal of hair? I've always just shaved but it's getting to be a bit tiresome, and I'm finding myself wanting to try out some of the other methods such as creams or the mini laser type removal things they sell at the home shopping networks, but I'm a bit skeptical of their effectiveness since I imagine they would be a lot more popular if they were. The most recent one I've been curious about is the No-No, so I'm mostly looking to hear some comments about that if anyone has had experience with it, but I also welcome other suggestions if there are better alternatives.
I never tried No No but I doubt it works. Smooth Away was a rip off. I've tried this Australian wax. That removed nothing either. What I use is Nair. I get tired of it because it doesn't remove the little black bumps and I find I have to glob a whole bunch on to get a lot of the hair. It smelled awful too but I just got a new container and they used an ingredient that seems to make it smell better so far. It's probably more effective than shaving because I used to try and shave and I was too afraid to cut myself.
I heard that the NoNo system or gadget does not work. Did you read any reviews online about it yet? That is what I would recommend for you to do. I think the best thing to remove hair is a razor. I know it might be more of a pain and an inconvenience, but you could try an electric razor instead.
I use the "Epilator". I guess that it is similar to the NoNo Hair. The Epilator is a little machine that plucks out your hair and reduces the hairiness and hair doesn't grow back out for about 6 weeks (but after using consistently for 2 weeks). I use it for my armpit and legs. My brother has one as well he uses it for facial hair and after using this his hair doesn't grow out as thick and he doesn't have to use it often. By the way, he is really hairy so this works best for him and this way he doesn't have to shave everyday. It sounds painful to say it plucks out your hair but it really is not that painful. The first 5 seconds are a bit uncomfortable, but then it just goes away. I think waxing is more painful than this. I have gotten my eyebrows waxed for a while now and it still hurts when I do it, but when I first tried the Epilator on my armpits, it did hurt, but not as bad as waxing.You can get this anywhere and different colors and also sizes.
I also use an epilator. It was pricey but worth it. I don't have to use it that often and it does remove the hair. The one time investment has saved me from buying new razors every couple of months. I don't mind shaving and never have but this route is much better and saves me time in the long run. For my eyebrows, I wax or pluck them. I prefer to get them done by a professional but that's not always an option so I do it myself often.
I have tried Nair. I found out the hard way that I am allergic to whatever is in it. I tried it twice within a few years span, and both times I had this horrible rash break out and I spent days suffering. Worst time is when I did it on my birthday. I felt like a fool, I should've known better. So beware for Nair! It is possible to be allergic. I have never tried the No No, but I did want to buy it so I looked up reviews. They are horrible! Some people have scares from it now. Most of them said it was supposed to not hurt but it did in fact hurt them. That it burns off the hair and also burns your skin. I decided against it. I can't wait until a new GOOD product comes on the market to get rid of unwanted hair. They would make a fortune if it actually worked properly, and as described.
I tried Veet and I didn't like the way it smelled, so I went back to shaving. Now, I shave most of the time, and every now and then I splurge (with a Groupon!) and get waxed. I eventually want to get laser removal, but that's expensive and a long way off
I have tried everything listed except the epilator, and none have worked for me , I have problems all the time with hair on my upper lip and chin and it bothers me so badly I have researched it and I have not found anything that works.
I use this home waxing method that is just amazing, it's called Arabic sugar wax, it is a type of cold wax that you can use to remove hair from anywhere and results last for up to two weeks depending on your hair type. Arabic sugar wax is really inexpensive, you can just make it at home, the main thing you need is, you guessed it, sugar! There are a few videos on YouTube detailing how to make sugar wax and how to use it. I would recommend anyone looking for an alternate hair removal method to try it out!
I've gotten tired of trying all the other options and have come to a conclusion that the best solution is to go for laser treatment. I am saving up for that. I think that will save me from all the pain of shaving as well as getting ripped off by solutions which actually don't work. My suggestion though is, if you are going for laser treatment, make sure you go to a reputable salon or even a doctor.
I have heard that people can be allergic to Nair. I've never had that problem thankfully but I do wish it was more effective. It's just the best that I've used. Yeah I want to do laser but I'm afraid I'll never get enough money upfront anymore to do it. It's so expensive Has anybody tried sugar waxing? I've heard that's good but I have never tried it because it sounds painful.
I use a razor for the hair on my legs and underarms. I have found a great, natural hair remover that I use on my upper lip and eyebrows. It is called Nads. It works kind of like waxing, but you don't need to heat it up. I have found it to be very effective and has saved me loads of money as I was going somewhere to get my eyebrows and upper lip waxed once a month.