Apparently the FDA is investigating the effectiveness and safety of Anti-bacterial soaps and body washes. The FDA is trying to determine if companies can prove that these products really do help and if long term use of them is a good idea. Apparently this is a step in finding out if its wise to use antibacterial products over a length of time is wise even if they are effective because of the fact that is many cases antibacterial products kill not only back bacteria but good bacteria as well. Also, over time the body develops immunity toward things that fight bad bacteria such as antibiotics. As things stand these products remain on the market but the FDA also has a proposal on the table that could remove them within a year or so. I have to say myself that I can see why this is becoming an issue. Especially after yesterday whe I found out that again the superbug has emerged again and has killed two people who were hospitalized. The superbug is extremely deadly because no form of antibiotic can combat it. At the time these products came out there were no hand santizers on the market and these are far more effective ways to kill germs due to the alchohol in them. From what I understand this proposal doesn't effect these in fact, hospitals are being urged to remember to foam in and foam out with the sanitizer when coming in and out of a patients room due to what has happened to these patients. Yes, I admit that I use antibacterial dish soap and have for years. But I guess I could adjust if these were removed from the market. How do you feel about antibacterial soap perhaps becoming extinct.
I would love to see the antibacterial products go away. I believe that we are damaging people's immune systems by trying to kill every germ. For those with impaired immune systems, then this is a good thing but not for the general population. All we're doing is creating super-germs and people who can't fight off anything.
But then what do we do about being sanitary? Are we supposed to cut up raw chicken and walk around with chicken germs on our hands all day? What about e coli in bathrooms? It seems kind of filthy and nasty to not kill germs.
It's called washing your hands. If you wash your hands properly, you get rid of just as many germs. Most of the anti-bacterial and germ-killing products are not used correctly in order to actually kill the germs, anyway. Most germicides must be on the surface, still wet, for three minutes or more to actually kill the germs. When not used correctly, instead of killing germs, the effect is to make the germs more resistant to the substance.
I have seen several articles stating "anti-bacterial" soaps have a minimal efficiency difference than regular soap. I don't waste my time purchasing special anti-bacterial stuff. I think washing your hands and proper hygiene can be done just as efficient with a regular good quality soap/wash.