Most people get tax refunds this time of year. Personally, I'm still waiting on mine, but I also waited a bit late to file. Does anyone have any big plans for it? Are you buying something nice or saving it for a later date? I'm personally applying mine towards bills, as well as applying for a craft fair or two. I basically make crafts for a living (I barely make any money, but it's slooooowly picking up), so it'll be nice to take it somewhere in person. Having this money to pay the fees will give me the chance to actually do it! I'm stoked for my plans, how about you?
Oh how I miss the days of getting a refund. Last year, I owed about $3500. In fact, I still owe them money, so any refund that I might get would get automatically applied to my balance. I haven't even done my taxes, yet, because I know I won't be getting anything back (I won't owe anything this time either). I'll do it sometime this weekend...yawn.