Just about every ebook publisher offers free ebooks. Usually each title is available for a limited time, and you can only find available titles if you go to all their separate web sites. So I was wondering if there is any site that collects and lists all these free deals while they are active from all the publishers in one place. I would prefer it if it also grouped the books by category, and also allowed search by keywords. Anyone know if any such site is available?
I downloaded ebooks from 4shared.com. It's free, you can find lot's of books from there. Actually, not just books but songs too. Just check it out.
There's no site that collects or lists book titles that can be downloaded free [legally]. Best thing to do is subscribe for the publishers newsletters and when a book is available for download, you'll get the news fast and then of course, you can get the book long before the time they've set expires.