Well, I spend like 8 hours each day posting, updating status and texting on Facebook. Most times I am unable to complete my assignments which have complicated my approach to cope with our collage chancellor. I tend to believe that I am addicted because I have even tried my best to move out of this but I have been unable. What do you say folks am I addicted to FACEBOOK and if so what can I do to safe myself/
As someone who rarely opens his facebook page once every 3 or 4 days or so, I would have to say no. The whole social media thin is pretty annoying and the only reason I still have a facebook account is because it is my only source of contact for quite a few people I haven't met in a long time.
Yeah, I'd say you're addicted lol. I check it a few times a day, but couldn't imagine spending my life on it. My friends aren't all that exciting either though lol.. at least online.
I'm not addicted to Facebook. I like keeping in touch, but I don't really log on to it very much. I don't have much to talk about, but I do keep up to date on what my friends are doing via alerts.
I'm not addicted to facebook, I can stay for weeks without opening it. I don't know, but I don't find any reason, why I have to check it everyday.
I was addicted to Facebook the very first year I got it. I was obsessed with liking quotes and sharing pictures of random things,etc. I then realized it was a complete waste of time. Therefore I think if you're getting addicted you should ask yourself the question of whether this is really worth it. In most cases it will make no change to your life.
Me personally am not I can take or leave facebook. First I think you need to figure it out what about facebook is so great that you feel like you have to be on it all the time. Is there someone you like to be update on every given chance? Is it the games or etc just find what it is it could probably help you along the way. Maybe try deactiving your facebook and keep away from it at least until you get your work done.
If you think you're addicted to Facebook, you might want to try a free "Facebook Blocker" app or add-on. I did a quick search and found this one:Log In . You might want to see what you can find on Google, there seems to be several of them out there. I am kind of addicted to Facebook. I don't spend a lot of time each day there, but I get a lot of freebies there from companies that are running contests and giveaways. So I would definitely miss having Facebook because I wouldn't have all the free stuff I'm getting now.
You sound like you are, definitely. I am not. I open it once a day, but I don't stay on it very long. I have certain groups that I chat with.
Wow you are really addicted. I wouldn't say that I am currently addicted. I was when I first opened my account. Nowadays I check my FB, but rarely post anything myself.
I think I was addicted to Facebook the first year I got it. I would check it regularly throughout the day and post updates constantly. But now I just check it every now and then. But yeah I think you're addicted to it .
I'm not addicted to Facebook. In fact, I try to avoid using Facebook because it's becoming more like a site for advertisements. The layout is getting too complicated to navigate, which I hardly go there anymore.
I pitying you fancy. Greatly i can't imagine spending 8 hours a day to visit my Facebook page...it is really too much for anyone to spend on any social media site. I personally take only few minutes each day to visit my social media sites to know what is on trend and turn them off for another day.
I do not think that i am addicted to facebook. I think that for me it is an important tool for communication. It is more important than email to a certain extent and so i use it a lot in that aspect. But i would not say i am addicted to it.
When Facebook first came out, I was forced by my friends to get it and I was extremely addicted to it. They had some really fun games and at that time I didn't own any gaming devices. I would spend hours on that site and my mother would have to come nag me to come off of it. Now, I don't spend much time on it because I have other things to do and the time isn't there. I requested to not have data on my phone for a reason.
There came a point two years ago wherein I got addicted with Facebook. I mean, I found myself just sitting in front of the computer waiting for any new status from my friends. But that was all in the past. These days, I check my Facebook page once in a while and don't spend hours on it anymore.
I don't consider myself addicted in any way to FaceBook. I get why people love it and in my opinion overuse it, but that's just not the norm for me. I may go on FB 3-5 times a week tops. The reason I choose not to log on so frequently is because it is easy to become too invested in other's business each and every time you log on. To post a status and catch up with some friends is reasonable to me, but the idea of sitting on FB all day long, constantly thinking about what others are doing and/or posting in response to my status is just way too much for me. I feel it's more important to invest in real life that's happening outside of social media.
I use to spend a good 5-6 hours a day on it I reckon. I have got quite bored of it now though and I only use it for looking at photos and instant messaging.
I am not a big Facebook user, I get on it post a status update, share a few quotes and then move on to something else. I don't see the need to be there for hours doing what?
No, thank god. I am not addicted to Facebook. I use to be, but I made the decision to get rid of my account because people were really annoying me on it. I didn't care if someone had just found a spider in their home and was so proud of their sister/brother. Sorry, I just don't. So I got rid of it and it was the best decision I have ever made. I have loads more time And I don't feel the urge to join