I am, but I'm a masocist like that... Seriously tho' I've got two geese, and four cornish hens for dinner - and that's just the protein. There are also the side dishes, the desserts, and gallons of egg nog (non-alcoholic and alcoholic). And some of you are wondering why I need that much meat - well some of the more distant relatives are coming in and... I've seen hogs eat less. So, yeah - anyone else cooking goose? If so what tips can you give me? I'm basically going to cook it like I cook my duck (score it and set in pan with rack to save it from grease) with a few hours added (because I'm stuffing them). Also I'm going to use the goose fat for potatoes - any tips about that?
As still have to sample a goose although I had already eaten Peking duck several times. I wonder what the difference is. But anyway, there was a Christmas the my husband's family had goose for their Christmas dinner. And those geese were their backyard inhabitants. They bought 20 gooselings and tended it after 4 months in time for the Christmas dinner. But some of the geese were given away as gifts to relatives.
I'll almost certainly NOT have goose or the usual Christmas food for Christmas. I won't be having a proper break, as I'll be working in between. So my husband and I will go out to a posh restaurant and have a nice meal. I don't know what I'll have, but I'll go with the flow on the day.