I recently purchased a Roku and started setting it up yesterday. While I was on their website, I noticed that they currently have a sale, and are offering a Roku Streaming Stick on sale for $10 off the regular price. It's usually $49.99, but is marked down to $39.99 right now. Here's aLog In, in case anyone's interested. The link will take you to the sale page, which is also where the various models are compared, so that should be helpful in case you're not familiar with each of them.
That is really nice of you Diane Lane. I just wish I had the unlimited internet so I could use Roku. I can only dream sigh..Someday I guess it will happen. I would so love to tell Dish and DirectV to stick it. It would be much better to pay a fraction of what I pay with Roku.
Ugh @Ke Gordon I feel your pain. I was going crazy when this neighborhood only had one provider, and I actually waited to move here until internet (other than dial up) was available. I was so happy when the second provider updated their lines and moved in, because the last one was really bad. But, of course now the prices have gotten out of hand. I hope you're able to get moved and into a place with faster/cheaper internet soon. I would buy a second Roku with this deal if I had a little extra money right now, but I don't. I did double check my older Google TV last night though, and the Netflix widget is still working (only one that is), so at least once I cut the cable, I will still be able to watch Netflix in the bedroom without toting the Roku around with me.
I have been wanting to get the Roku for my older tv that is connected to the cable box so that when the kids want to play a game I can still look at something on tv, I don't want to have my computer tied up looking at Netflix when I am still working.
I have been wanting to get a Roku for a while now. I don't like cable and it is way too expensive. It is like I am paying to watch ads. I'd rather watch ads on youtube so that I know a content producer is making that money instead of it lining the pockets of some CEO.
I feel the same @steph84. I signed up for the lowest cost Hulu to try it out, even though it has ads, because from what I've heard, the ads on there aren't nearly as intrusive as on cable television, and are also much shorter in length. If that's not the case, and I change my mind, I can always upgrade to the no commercials version for a little more money. Once I get through the blind auditions on The Voice, I might just cut the cable entirely. I know even if I cut back to just the local channels, they'll probably nickel and dime me to death for the cost of each receiver, and on top of that, I'd lose my DVR, so I might just go cold turkey. I received an email from Roku yesterday, about Roku televisions being on sale. I wasn't even aware that there was such a thing as Roku televisions. I have an older model Google TV that is no longer supported, so I have a bad taste in my mouth about brand specific smart TVs, but here's a link (it's not an affiliate link that I'm aware of) from that email, in case anyone's interested in learning more about Roku TVs.Log In
Interesting. I have a friend who doesn't have cable and has the "cheapest" model of Roku, and she really likes it. I'm on the fence of cutting off my cable, I'm leaning towards doing it right now. However, I do already have a Amazon Fire stick, so I don't think I need a Roku. Thanks for posting the deal regardless!
@MikeyPaine The Roku and Amazon Fire Stick are somewhat similar. I did a lot of research before I decided on which to purchase, but it's been months, so I don't recall the exact differences. I know I read quite a few reviews about each and also the Chromestick, and also read comparisons of the three (as well as Apple TV), and there were a few features that the Roku had that the Amazon Fire Stick didn't have, but if you're already using the Fire Stick and are happy with it, there's probably no need for you to change.