I usually treat myself to at least one gift. Some years it's an inexpensive trinket, and other years when I have more money, it might be something more expensive, such as a designer bag. This has been a pretty tight year, but I found something I wanted recently. It wasn't expensive, but made me happy, so I splurged and bought it/them. I received them in the mail yesterday, and it really brightened my day. I had been perusing many different Etsy shops for a Pinterest board I was creating, and stumbled upon some nice hand carved crochet hooks. The price was low, and I figured they would just be cheap ones, but I took a chance, and I'm happy I did. Do you usually buy yourself gifts for the holidays? If so, what types of items do you select?
In a way, I treat myself to a holiday gift, thanks to my husband's grandmother. Each year, she gives my husband and I each cash for Christmas. I am usually inclined to put the money in the savings account, spend it on groceries, or put it towards bills, however, I usually use at least a small portion of this extra money on a gift for myself, as I am sure that is how she intends the cash to be used! This year, I bought myself a new pair of boots on Black Friday. I got a great deal at Meijer, they were originally $70 and I bought them for $19! I had my eye on them for a while, so I was pleased to be able to buy them this year!
Wow, that is a great deal prose. I bought myself a kindle fire, and a toaster oven because I got excellent prices on both of them..and I have wanted both for a long time. I think I am done with the "self shopping" though...the rest of my limited cash supply will go to gifts for others. At least I have gotten my sister's birthday gift...it is just before Christmas! I wish her bday was in June. And I know what I will get everyone else.
I do buy myself gifts every holiday season but from time to time I skip it because I spend too much on others. Starting this year I'm determined to put myself first though but I am planning to delay it a bit so I can earn a bit more and buy something a little more luxurious after the New Years. I'm mostly eyeing a new phone or maybe a new laptop even. In the previous years I've only been buying myself small gifts and the most expensive one I got for myself was headphones, so now I'm trying to get a bit more to reward myself.
I will not be treating myself to a holiday gift this year. I have a lot more money this year than I have had in any other years when it comes to the holidays. But only a small portion of it will be spent, because it is currently all I have to my name. I have a feeling that all of the things that I want will be gotten for me by members of my family anyway, so there is no need to buy myself anything.
Yes I do get a little something for myself, later on in the year. I usually like to keep my gift giving to what I can afford and what is healthy. Money is tight every year, so I budget like mad. When I do have extra money I put it away for necessities. I try to get something I like though and like most of you it's a necessity that we buy for ourselves on a bargain price too like Prose.
It didn't occur to me to treat myself to a new gift this holiday season until I read your post, lol. I just bought myself a 2nd hand CPU, so I think that would be pretty much my gift to myself this Christmas season.
For Christmas, I never buy myself a gift because gift-giving is a tradition meaning most in my circle give gifts and I am included in their lists. But it's almost the same thing as buying myself a gift when I give a hint to my husband, hahahaaah. He would always oblige even when the item I hinted is expensive. Last year, he gifted me with a branded bag but this year I am leaving the option to him so I will be surprised.
I never buy myself Christmas gifts because I normally always buy myself something nice each month. Since prices of the things I intend to buy will drop after Christmas that's the time I intend to get myself that "Christmas gift" [though I wouldn't call it that].