We have so much fluoride and harsh chemicals in our village drinking water that we take our 5, 5gallon jugs to the countryside and there is a Artisian Spring Water spot where we can fill our drinking water up for free. They do ask for donations, and we usually put a few dollars in each time we fill up. This water flows all year round, and tastes amazing!
Oh yes, fluoride is VERY dangerous! That's amazing that you have the opportunity to fill up on Artisian Spring Water! Where do you live, if you don't mind me asking?
If it was possible I would try to shower with bottled water because the water from the tap is disgusting. Too many chemicals and it dries out my skin. You are lucky to have such pure water right next door. I would love to have fresh water to drink and wash up with if it was that close. I'm stuck with trying to filter my water, and even then it still taste a little funny.
Yes, they have so many chemicals in our water it is not funny. I go up to my in-laws house and you can taste the difference. They are on well water and the taste is amazing, I wish I could use my old cistern, but the government said if county water is available then you have to use it.
Yeah some of the stuff they put in water isn't so great. Tend to boil a lot of the stuff I have, can't remember last time I had a glass of neat water!
In Knoxville, TN there is a public artesian well at at a place called Spring Hill. I now live in Palatka, Fl and there is an excellent artesian well at the intersection of st rd 310 and 315. Artesian is the correct spelling.