Awesome deals online for Mothers' Day

Discussion in Seasonal & Holidays started by BestCrispAir • May 12, 2012.

  1. BestCrispAir

    BestCrispAirNew Member

    Apr 22, 2012
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    I have been looking online to get a gift for my mother, and there are really a lot of good deals out there.
    Some places are offering free shipping, others offer free gifts with purchase. Use your favorite search engine and look for "mother's day Specials" and you will be pleased with what shows up.
    My sister found a one hour deal for a buy one-get one meal at a local steakhouse. By the time that she phoned me to tell about it, they were booked up and sold out.
    Also, when making restaurant reservations, call and see if they will give you the special for Mother's Day on another day if they are completely booked. It never hurts to ask.