I visited Karmaloop.com, and proceeded to browse the store. I found very nice and interesting products that I knew my daughter and myself would love. I continued on to purchase a couple items. Looking at the website, it looks extremely legit and real, but beware. It has been a couple months and I still have not received my order. Not only that, but I was told that it will take only a week or so, but obviously, that was a lie. I am still waiting, but on the verge of contacting my credit card company and getting my 80 bucks back. Beware before you order from them.
Thanks for the warning about this website. I had never heard of it till now. From what you are telling me it may seem like a great website at first to get items at a great price. But apparently that is deceiving if you have not received anything that you ordered there and paid for. I might have been tempted by this website if I had found it without reading your review because of what would have appeared to be great bargains. But I guess the old saying applies here buyer beware.
Have you contacted customer service at the site yet? Scam sites usually have very weird customers services tactics. I hope you get your merchandise or refunds very soon!
What did the company say when you contacted them to enquire about the whereabouts of your goods? In any case, two months is far too long to wait so make sure you get that chargeback request made tomorrow! Good luck with it.
Are there other reviews about this company similar to yours? I'm wondering if you looked online before shopping with them to see if others have dealt with a scam in relation to this company. Based on the quick research I did, it seems like a lot of people are happy with this company.
I've never heard of this site before, thanks for the heads up! It doesn't look good at all. Sadly, there are many like it out there; they look flashy and professional, but really they are just a scam. The tell tale sign is usually the ridiculously low prices. Have you done any reviews on it? -and do you know where it's based? I once got scammed by one in China, set up to look like it was in the US. Hope it all works out ok in the end
Have you tried contacting them? Maybe there was a mix up on their side and they can handle it. I did a google search and it says KarmaLoop is in bankruptcy ($100 million) and that Kanye West is interested in buying the brand (lol).
Thank you for sharing! Hopefully you get a refund. One thing I reccomend is not to use websites that are unknown. An app called Wish is legit, but cheap. The way I could tell it was real was through the reviews for it. The one thing it does lie about, and is very unfair, is the prices it gives aren't real. By that I mean, it says something is worth $50 and you're getting it at $5. In reality, it really does only cost maybe $2 more. What the app does is basically find good offers, not make them.
When it comes to websites that I know very little of, or if they are brands that I have never heard of before, I tend to do research and read reviews - scam reviews included - of other people's experiences with them, before I type in my credit card info, or pay for anything from them. I always hate it when Amazon or Ebay don't have whatever I am looking for? Because then i have to browse sites that I don't know much about - sites that could possibly be scams.
Never buy anything from wish.com, I agree that the items there are grossly overpriced. I see the same items on Ebay being sold there, and they really hiked the price up by more than 50% to 75%! The huge price hike is considered a scam already! Anyway, never use your credit card if possible to buy anything online since you might not get your money back. Always use Paypal for a safer transaction.
Yeah guys, I decided to just chargeback and got my money back. And yes, there were multiple reviews similar to mine. Fortunately, I heard Kanye West and Dame Da$h decided to buy the website, and plan to pay for the debt they are in to multiple different agencies and sellers including Google. So, I might re-try once everything is in order again. I did finally get a response, and they said they are having difficulties and plan to send me the item as soon as possible, even if I charged back.
From the looks of what they sent you, it seems that they send the same inquiry answer to every single person who asks them the whereabouts of the ordered products, because they would've known if you had charged back. It's good that you managed to get your money back though, so you don't have any kind of regrets. You've come out of the situation quite easily, and you can put this website in your scam list. Cheers!
Yes, I too am glad you managed to get your money back! There's nothing as annoying and frustrating as having to deal with sites that are out to rob you. I won't shop anywhere online unless there are many rave reviews out there from different sites, especially from discussion forums I frequent.