A place I'm going to be visiting has a rule that you need to bring your own beach towels. They don't want you to use their good, white towels for beach towels. I don't blame them, but I don't even own a set of beach towels any more. The kids usually just grab one of the older towels we still have around, because I don't like to use the good towels for the lake or the pool. I don't really want to drag old towels along on my getaway though, so I was thinking of picking up a couple of new beach towels. Where is a good place to get some decent ones for a reasonable price?
I'm sure you can get some at Kohl's as they usually always have towels on offer. I have a few bath sheets that double up as beach towels and sometimes take a couple of sarongs that also double up as beach towels. I'm sure Marshall's have a selection, but it varies store to store.
Walmart sometimes marks their beach towels down to $3 but even at full price they're still cheap. They also have $1 flip flops that are cute.
I typically look at Kohls, Walmart, and Target for clothes shopping. The last few beach towels I got were from Kohls, and they are holding up very well. Definitely would recommend shopping of these at Kohls. Target is pretty good as well, though the last time I bought towels from them was over five years ago. Walmart's more of a mixed-bag, some of their towels' quality is bad, others are good enough. Do you research, is what I suggest.
True, I hadn't thought of Kohl's. Thanks. There isn't one near me, but I can check online. I might also go have a look at TJ Maxx. I don't have Target here either, but I can look at Walmart. Yes, it is hit or miss. Your Walmart must have some great deals, ACSAPA. I don't think I've seen beach towels for that cheap, unless it was post season. Heck, I might just pick up a couple of regular, large bath towels or bath sheets if I can't find what I want. We will likely need some beach towels for the rest of the summer anyway.
We normally bring our own towels when we go to the beach resort. This is for hygienic purposes. There was a time, so many years ago, when a relative contracted eczema, a certain skin disease. Upon investigation, the beach towel provided by the resort was the main suspect. So there.
I don't really worry too much about the appearance of my beach towels, as long as they aren't too faded and frazzled. I much prefer spending the money that I would spend on new towels on some interesting food or activity at my holiday destination.
For sure. That's why I'm looking for a good deal. I can certainly think of much better, more fun ways to spend money than on buying new beach towels. I just don't really have any to bring (the old ones we had have pretty much been worn out by the kids. One is even ripped, so rag bag). I may just pick up a couple cheap bath towels to use and call it a day. Though, like I said, we will probably need them again some time, so it might be worth getting a couple. Ugh.
Yeah, fortunately this time of year, beach towels are offered at most places. I would check stores like Walmart and dollar stores for some good deals this time of year.
Yeah, but the ones I've seen have been a little pricey, in my opinion. I've seen some that are very pretty, but I'm not paying those prices. I'm thinking ten bucks or less is plenty for a beach towel. I haven't seen any in dollar stores. Do you mean like Dollar General and others that have stuff that's over a buck? I can't imagine that they'd have them at Dollar Tree or anything, or if they do, they probably wouldn't hold up very well.
Yes, I meant he ones like Dollar General, Five Below, etc. Not the ones that are "only a dollar." You should easily be able to get some for under $10.