I have been interrupted recently by some outrageous pop up offers on my system. It is really strange and they appear to be some form of virus but individuals out there may be tempted to follow through on it. The page just appears in the middle of what you are doing and tell you to click to claim a large amount of money. To the experienced online user this may be something you are familiar with and know right away that you could not be claiming a reward for something you did not do/enter. We sometimes get desperate or tempted to the point where we innocently click only to see a form asking for you information, do not enter your info as it is a scam and your information will be used negatively by other scammers.
Click bait like that has been around for quite a while. Something that is worrying is phishing also. Fake webpages which look like your regular page are trying to copy your login username and password. Never click on pop ups and also always check for the " s " in "httpS://website.com" when logging in. The S stands for secure login and you should check it everytime you enter sensitive websites, like banks or e-mails.
@tournique Thanks for the awesome tip mate. I never knew that till now because I never really pay attention to that part of the url. Going back to the topic at hand, pop up offers are very annoying especially if two or more pops up every time you click a link. What's more annoying is that they're filled with mature content and I'm seldom alone here in the house. I experienced my aunt looking at me with a horrible expression when she saw an adult site on my screen. Good thing that I was able to explain to her what really happened lol.
I absolutely hate pop ups and I never click on them! I do find sometimes that by thw time you have noticed a pop up in the backround your computer is often already effected. My brother is luckily an IT genius and he has blocked pop ups for me and also let me know that I had over 3 programs that had been added to my computer without my knowledge which made it extrmely slow. Beware of pop ups and make sure that you have an anti virus program at all times.
It has actually been a very long time since I have experienced or encountered a pop-up. I usually operate within the Firefox Browser, and I have long since installed adblocker. It makes it so that I don't have to endure those annoying intrusive adverts during youtube videos, and it also blocks pop-ups. I used to have a pop-up blocker, but I find that ablocker is a lot more effective?? I never trust anything that pop-ups are selling though. I have had to teach my mother this, who has recently gotten a new laptop. The FIRST day she had it she had trojans, most likely from pop-ups.
Pop up, unsolicited adverts grate on my last nerve. I don't care how legitimate a site is, I immediately shut it down and will seek it out if I have to, on my own terms. So I'd urge others to ignore them and not click them. When you click them, it's like opening the flood gates!!
They are very annoying, but is how some sites make their money. If a site I know has them I do close them straightaway,but some also cause my laptop to crash. I know people have to have ads on their sites, but when there are too many or placed so close to an enter button to trick you it puts me off using that site again. For example I was scrolling down on a gumtree ad and hovered over an ad by accident and it just took over!.
For me, it has simply gotten to the point that if websites have to resort to bombarding people with those annoying, invasive, pop-up adverts, then it is a scam - especially the websites that claim that you have to spend your money in order to benefit from whatever it is that they are trying to sell. That, and they are often indicative of the fact that you have a virus on your computer. But I agree, even if they are legitimate, I'd rather seek out services on my own terms.