Blind offers - are they scams?

Discussion in Scams = To Good To Be True started by lindbergh • Aug 27, 2014.

  1. lindbergh

    lindberghWell-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2012
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    Have you ever encountered a blind offer? They're all over the internet these days and the "make money online" niche is full of them.

    What is a blind offer anyway? Well, others call it a hidden offer. It's trying to entice the customers without really telling what the product really is or what it is capable of doing.

    A product may say that:

    -You will not use SEO
    -You will not write articles
    -You will make a lot of money

    But it doesn't actually tell you what it is.

    Do you think that a lot of products that are being advertised like these are scams?