As far as computers go, do you tend to stick with the same brand, or switch it up when it's time to get a new one? If you're on to switch it up a lot, which brand has been your best computer experience?
I am very brand loyal when it comes to computers. I have owned several brands that gave me headaches and problems. I finally bought a brand that is trouble free and durable. They aren't cheap, but I consider them to be worth every penny. I have talked about Lenovo computers several times on this forum.
We have only had 2 desktop pcs, one was assembled and the other one was pre-built. It was HP, and since 2009 it still is working properly until now, with the exception of dusty/dirty RAM problems that makes the pc not boot at rare times.
Well brand loyalty is all good but with most computer brand putting out some really good computers with great features, brand loyalty will go out the window. So when I buy a new computer I writer down the key features I am looking for and find the computer that meets them.
Brand loyalty, hmm. I no longer subscribe to that notion when it comes to computers. Each new release and models show a lot of new power and specs that will make me want to shift to the best release. Though if that brand is consistently good in terms of power and durability, then I might buy their stuff more.
Much as I know all computers can be fine I prefer sticking with HP because I at least know from experience that their computers last longer. The ones I've used have so maybe it could be because I'm great at taking good care of my machine. Anyway, I hate to take risks and unless I got a computer made by a different manufacturer [as a gift], use it for like two years and liked, I won't try them any time soon.
I am brand loyal to a certain degree. If I recognize that a new product comes a long that performs better and is well priced. Then I won't go for the new release of my favorite brand. I'm a big buyer of quality when it comes to electronics because buying a lower quality will show its head in due time.
I don't believe in brand loyalty at all, I've found most of the computer manufacturers are the same after all they all use the same computer parts. That said you get what you pay for, would much rather a $1000 computer from a "lesser" computer brand than a $750 computer from a "higher" computer brand.
I'm a bit of a brand stickler, but I don't mind trying new things either. The brands I am most happy with though are Asus and Lenovo. They used to be off brands but they are coming up in the world. I am now using a Windows Surface and only have had a few problems. Mostly hate the power cord, its magnetic and pops off easy. While I can see the plus behind it, don't have to worry about damage to the device, it can be a pain in the butt sometimes.
I'm pretty loyal to my brands, but as soon as I see the quality in their products go down, I switch immediately, simple as that. I advocate furiously for my brand until they let me down with worse products. For example, I have and always will stick with an Intel processor until AMD can prove that they are a better value or Intel proves that it's not worth it to me anymore.