Hi everyone... I would like to share a tip. Before you buy an item from a seller, just glancing at their rating is not enough. It may look like the member has a 100% perfect rating, but the real question is: what are they getting perfect ratings for? As a member of eBay since 2003, I have come across many profiles where they have 100% ratings, but upon looking at their ratings, I noticed that many of them are selling 1 cent virtual items on 1 day auctions with no buy out price. This means the listing is free. Since the members in question are selling and buying 1 cent items on a 1 day basis, it's easy to get many perfect ratings in a short period of time and only spending a tiny amount of money. So be on the look out for these sort of sellers and buyers. I hope this tip is useful for you. Also, if you have anything to add, please do. Thanks.
Wow. Thank you very much for submitting that tip, I had no idea that was possible on Ebay. I generally check their ratings and reviews before I consider getting anything they offer because I've dealt with rude Ebayers before who I feel are only in it for a quick buck and once it's in your hands it's your problem and they're not responsible for the item not being what they sold it as. Thanks again!