I've recently discovered that a tack shop for horses is great for buying my dog products. One of my dogs has had problems with her hips and I wanted to try some glucosamine for her. My local pet store had some at a ridiculously high price for a small container. I mentioned this high price on Facebook and someone told me to try a tack shop. The tack shop had the glucosamine in a 16 ounce container for less than the 3 ounce container at the pet store! The dosage was easy to figure out for my dog. This was quite a bargain. While at the tack shop I saw that they also sold "natural" dog food and had the brand that I use. It was a couple dollars less than what I had been paying. Now I'm totally sold on buying my dog products at a horse products store!
I found that from the feed mills as well. This is something I have found to be a good thing. I know the pet store sells my brand of dog food for 50 bucks, the feed mill is only 32 dollars. For the same exact bag and size!
We have a few local farm and feed stores in our area. Some of the dog items like treats and toys can be a bit more expensive but the food and bedding items are a lot less there. I hadn't thought about looking at the prices for medicines at them. I'll definately have to check that out the next time I go into one of them.