Great news for California residents! You can earn up to $300 per year by turning off your lights and saving electricity. Plus it’s really easy to get started! Just forLog In you will get $20. As you participate and save electricity you can earn more money. There are 3 utility companies that are participating: Pacific Gas & Electric Company, San Diego Gas & Electric, and Southern California Edison. Simply connect your online utility account to get started. You can then withdraw your $20 via Paypal or save it up if you like. Each week they will send you payments for reducing your electricity one hour per week.
This is an attractive incentive for motivating the consumers to conserve energy. One of the major problems with energy conservation is that many people just can't seem to be bothered into making the effort it takes to maintain the process, like the frequent turning off of light and unplugging appliances when their usage is not required amongst other things. I believe that the $20 up-front inducement will really cause many who were not conservation inclined to take notice.