I am a true believer that physical health is related to mental health. It has been proven time and time again that mental and emotional stress can have negative effects on our health. I believe that stress breaks down and weakens our immune system and makes us susceptible to sicknesses and diseases that we would normally have no issues fighting off.
Yep, experience has proven that so a key to live a healthier live is to live stress free. This is something naturally easier said than done, but I think that we can start with small things, we should not worry with things that escape our control for example.
Stress can not just cause every imaginable symptom, but it can literally kill. During the years when I worked for a health clinic, I have seen every conceivable reaction to stress, from sudden stomach pains to vomiting, respiratory problems, increased heart rates, migraine attacks, people losing consciousness, and so on. Often a disease in itself seems harmless in comparison to the reactions that stress is causing. Most diseases will run their course and the body recovers after a certain time, but with the added factor of stress, it can take a long time to regain one's balance again.
Hy appie! I Stress is could be cause to serious diseases, Because our mind is a central main working part of our body and if there is a problem even stress so work will be effected. But i am feared to know about stress really damages hears and skin condition.... Now I think i should be more careful about how to avoid stress because I love my hairs For me traveling is best way to push all stress back, what you say guys???
Most certainly. Stress can cause diseases. Stress also breaks down the immune system. Not only can it cause disease, but it can also worsen diseases that one might already have. Uncontrolled stress can lead to chest pains, heart disease, high blood pressure, irregular heartbeat, and other diseases. Your stress can certainly be the cause of your stomach pains because stress slows down or even disrupts the digestion process. Whenever I am feeling stressed, I try to take a moment and just breathe and relax. I also take a tincture that reduces anxiety.
Of course, stress in the long run could make you have diseases, because it in a long run, weakens your immune system which is your defense system for the imminent diseases that are just on there and in any moment could attack you and make you suffer physically, mentally and financially. Stress, though in small bouts of it, strengthens your immune system. But not in the long run. So it's good to stress yourself sometimes but not always and continuously that your health would have to be at risk.
Oh..... I was totally blank about this all reactions of stress, but now after reading these informative posts, i get enough knowledge about it,. Thanks to you guys for sharing such info with me....
Stress can mess with a lot in our body Kylrey, I still recall when my dentist told me that cavities can start from the inside due to stress, I could not believe that was true, but in fact it is. Not only teeth issues, but in almost every single area of health.
Stress can seriously break a person mentally, physically and emotionally. It consumes you with negative energy that is just not good for the overall functioning of the body. It can result in your blood pressure rising and this is very bad. High blood pressure means that there is going to be a strain on the organs and systems of the body as the blood vessels are going to be in overdrive; doing more work to circulate blood around the body. The worst case scenario of this is the person blood pressure sky rocketing to the point of the individual developing a stroke which can result in death. I have known of other situations where some persons who are stressed develop rashes and even have a nasty acne break outs. This may be uncomfortable for the individual and may leave them feeling unattractive and depressed even further.
We all experience stress sometimes. Most times it's no big deal to have a stressful day here and there. Oh sure, it might cause you to feel bad. Give you a headache, etc., but probably no long term illnesses from a stressful day here and there. Chronic long-term stress, however is another thing altogether. There is likely no end to the health complications it can cause; and actually, sometimes chronic long-term feelings of stress may be symptoms of an already existing problem with a person's health, which just leads to an endless cycle of even more chronic troubles. I wonder if the stress-related cavities issue has to do with changes that stress makes in saliva? Or, could it be a reflection of stress-related changes in a person's eating or personal hygiene habits?
I personally believe and experienced that stress is the biggest factor to allowing diseases to affect one's health! The simple fact that stress causes blood pressure to raise and sends your emotions bouncing all about which lowers your immune system, plus it will drastically effect the way one conduct their self in being, thinking, and acting. Look at all the stats of where people die the most and young in age, and you'll find stress is prevalent in such cultures. Stress is more than likely the main factor behind the cause of cancer, which makes sense to me and I refer this amazing woman doctor who cured herself of cancer by understanding how to manage her stress:Log In We humans now, live in a world where the pressures to succeed in all aspects of life is being pushed to more and more stressful levels, which is the reason why people turn to so much drugs, alternative lifestyles, and escapism to relieve themselves of it. My method is to simply not take myself too seriously.
Stress can make you sick. I know because every time I feel stressed, my migraine would attack and my hyperacidity would feel worst. My immune system would be so weak. I would get sick for a few days. So as much as possible, I try not to get stressed out.
As some have already pointed out stress isn't good for the human body period. But unfortunately we all have stress in our lives. I have two medical conditions that are only made worse by stress. One of them acid reflux causes me to have gagging attacks when I am under stress. These aren't pretty to witness, or to have for that matter. I also have high blood pressure issues and I don't need to go into how stress can cause trouble for that. So, yes stress can not only cause health issues and it can cause existing health problems to become worse.
Yes I do believe that stress can cause diseases and I have actually seen it happen to other people in my life. Getting sick can definitely be related to stress and there were a few times when I felt sick during highly stressful situations. I think stress can cause any type of negative health issue which is why it is so important to get rid of any bad stress so that you stay healthy and don't get really sick.
Absolutely! Stress can lower your immune system and give you several diseases. There are actually several emotional diseases that are directly related to your emotions and your stress levels. That is why ideally everybody should learn how to balance their lives and live as healthy as they can.
Like what most members have already said, stress can definitely cause harm to be the body. It's normal to feel stress every now and then, but I think when the stress is severe, then it can lead to various emotional, psychological, and physical problems. Here is an interesting link regarding 10 health problems related to stress:Log In
Stress comes surrounding ourselves with negative environments. Which causes us to have negative feelings and then negative thoughts. Our brains automatically send electric signals and chemical throughout our bodies to counter act the negative. If that happens on a constant basis it can break down our bodies and it can target any part of our bodies at anytime. I did a little research on DHEA. Very informative.