I saw this question on the internet: "Is it better to eat healthily all the time, or should we allow ourselves to indulge once in a while? Similarly, does this argument apply to drug use – even illegal drug use?" and couldn't believe what i was reading. Can you possibly compare food to drug use? Or is it as ridiculous as i first thought!?
Lol. Although it does seem like a strange question I think you can look at it in a way that may allow you to compare the two... I think that being obsessive about your health can become as much an issue as being addicted to drugs. In fact, many ex-addicts have only moved on because they have replaced one addiction with another; be it God through the 12 step program, smoking, exercise, or what ever else. Though it may be a healthier addiction, it is an addiction just the same. I think if you look at the question and think; is eating nothing but health food all the time a good idea, or should you allow yourself to indulge once in a while? Then the thought takes on a new meaning that can, in a round-about way, be compared to an addict. You can actually look at it in many ways, for example; Is it failure if an addict slips up and falls off the wagon? Is it failure if you break your diet to enjoy a piece of cake? It may not be the best comparison, and perhaps it was not the greatest choice on the writer's part, but with enough creativity you can link and compare pretty much anything I suppose.
I don't eat often. I skip breakfast and lunch almost every day. I eat breakfast on Saturday's and Sunday's if I'm lucky or up in time to make breakfast. But usually my only meal a day is dinner. At 8 pm on weekdays, and around 5 or 6 pm on weekends. And it's even worse in the Summer time because it's too hot to think about food. So usually I'm on liquids like OJ, fruit juice, and lemonade 90% of the time.
No, I don't think illegal drugs are equal to food. That's a bit of a stretch. I do agree that we should treat ourselves to our favorite "unhealthy" foods occasionally so that we don't feel deprived. I don't equate not snorting cocaine to feeling deprived.
Food is a necessity. Drugs are not. So how can the two be compared together? I eat food to live and I eat healthy food for my well-being. There is no place in my diet for drugs. I don't need to take drugs to live unless we are talking about medicine but that's a different story altogether.
It isn't really ridiculous to think but it is not appropriate to compare foods to drugs because they serve different functions. But there are times when the two could be really switched like a disease person that could not take in food instead he just take medicine and a drug addict eats nothing except drugs and it serve as his food.
Drugs definitely cannot be compared to food. Drugs ruin your life, believe me. Healthy lifestyle is most important to me, but ocassionally I indulge in some uhealthy activity, such us eating chocolate, but I would never ever thought of drugs.
Drugs and food are 2 entirely different things. Drugs can be fatal or harmful to a person in large doses, that's the reason why we need a doctor's prescription to purchase certain types of drugs. Like cough syrup for example, I heard that it's quite addictive. Or if you're talking about the illegal kind, then it's all the more dangerous. So I think that's it's way better to indulge in food even if you'll gain some weight, as compared to indulging in illegal drugs which can damage your brain and other organs, and can even lead to death.
I don't think it's any comparing to food and drugs that just sounds crazy to me. Maybe they were just trying to make an example. I think eating to much of healthy food can be bad for you. My friend started this whole organic diet where she ate nothing but organic foods and in the process she gained a lot of weight and her face was covered in pimples so i don't think it is always a good thing.
No way, you have to eat to live. You have to eat the best and healthiest foods and you won't need drugs. So how can you compare something like that? If you don't eat your body will not work to it's full ability to operate. You body is like an automobile, if you don't keep it in full working order, you will get sick and who wants to be sick and need drugs that is going to keep you sick, instead of getting you well. Those drugs is only putting a bandage on the problem. Think about that before you go straving yourself to death.
Unfortunately, food is very much like a drug to far too many people. I've absolutely seen it ruin lives. It can definitely be an addiction at the very least. When someone chooses (addicted or not, you're making a choice) to stay overweight instead of give up their favourite junk, that's an addiction. I found quitting smoking easier than giving up certain foods to become healthier. It's very hard. So I don't exactly agree with the "should we indulge once in a while" when it comes to drug use, but I do think bad food is a drug.
I think these two are totally opposite things and cannot compare.However I hate drugs but I like to eat good healthy foods simply.
Drugs can cause problems because how concentrated they are. So even if only taking one one time will make you addicted, even if you say you don't. Food after some time will make you sick because your stomach will end up full.
Its common sense that healthy food can't compare with drugs or even supplement. The energy and vitamins we extract from healthy food can't get from any other source. So always try to eat healthy food at proper time.
I think it's a little extreme comparing food to drugs I don't think it is okay at all in anytime to take illegal drugs
I definitely don't think that you can equate enjoying the occasional candy bar with, say, enjoying smoking crack every now and then. It definitely is NOT the same thing.
I do not think they are really comparable. Drugs are not good for you, food is. The only way I could think there is a comparison if a person just can't stop eating.
Food does sometimes have a drug-like effect like the cravings for sugar or caffeine but comparing it to drug use is going too far. Maybe they were trying to say that an extremely obese person with a food addiction is destroying themselves like a drug addict. On those UK dieting shows, I've seen people who are dying from horrible diets and won't get to see their kids grow up, but they can't give up junk food because they "need" it.