Practically everything is centered around the United States,even television is! LOL, I don't see anything much going on in Canada, and Canada in my opinion is a very prosperous country! so why isn't "much" going on there? The reason why I am comparing the US and Canada is that, I want to ask a question, which country do you all think is best to have and raise a child in? to start a family...and why?
It is sad to hear that people look to the U.S. They should stop doing that for now. We are going downhill and we will continue to do so unless we get a vastly different administration in place. Ronald Reagan was a leader of The People and we haven't had a president like him since. I would not recommend living in America because our moral compass is slipping badly and we are also a big target for terrorism, especially in the next two years. More and more, I feel bad for parents in the U.S. who are trying to raise a decent family in the midst of the brainwashing of the liberal mindset, particularly in schools. If I had to choose, I would try Canada right now and I would plan on homeschooling my kids. Canada is safer and homeschooling allows parents to retain their rights instead of allowing the government to raise your kids for you.
I feel like a lot of people think that everything revolves around the US, because that is what many of us are conditioned to think and feel. The more I learn about the US, and the older - and wiser - I get, the more apparent it becomes that the US is a toxic country, that I want nothing to do with. Canada, on the other hand, can be beautiful to look at, produced one of my favorite artists, Deadmau5 and is just all around better.
When it comes to something as serious as raising children, I think its a matter that only you can decide. Personally, I would probably choose the US as I think growing up in the US will open up more opportunities in later life.
Hi @DreekLass and @pwarbi , which country are you both from? @S.O. Price , when you say "I would not recommend living in America because our moral compass is slipping badly and we are also a big target for terrorism, especially in the next two years", how are you certain that the US is a target and that the US can't protect itself? @DreekLass , why do you share the view that the US is a toxic country and that Canada is better?
I'm biased. I live in Canada, so I can see first hand that it is a wonderful place to raise children. It's safer, healthier, we're much more tolerant and laid back in general, so sooooo much talent everywhere you look, it's beautiful and it's run by a bunch of idiots. Not THE best place to live, but definitely up there. You couldn't pay me to live in the US.. they can gladly take the attention, we don't need or want it
Ugh!!! I don't even know where to start. The government is jacked up. I do not mean any offense, because I know how patriotic people can be. Slavery still exists in America and in a big way. The American Dream is the biggest farce I've ever heard. Everything is distorted and corrupt, in a way that it is not in other countries - or at least to a lesser degree in other countries. I am from the UK, and our government is not much better.
There is no perfect country, each country has its advantages and disadvantages, so I would still stand inthe gap for America, if you think about it, it is one of the countries that is for its citizens, yes there are still some mistakes here and there, but man is to era, there is not a perfect being, so America is good.
I think US television is just much more bold much more interesting and the SS of characters and writers really is what brings us bold an interesting feeling to the television in the US. The capable of truly accenting different aspects of life that just don't exist in Canada.
Well I don't know about anyone else, but I'm not about to choose which country to move to based on their television lol. It's what you see when you get away from the tv that matters.
Well yes, I would have to agree with you there, in that no country is perfect. I will, however, have to disagree with you about them being for its citizens. Lol!! They are just good at making people think that. The most effective prison is one where people do not notice their own chains. That's all I will say. The American Dream is the American Nightmare, in my opinion. It is sold as a dream though, and people lap that up. I also think that America gets so much heat because America is so involved in many other countries and cultures. America and US culture is on the brain a lot, and so naturally it will incur more scrutiny.
If the US had a president who would be sure to do their job, then yes we have more than enough to protect our nation. Unfortunately, our current administration has shown time and time again their interests lay towards making sure the rest of the world knows we aren't going to have a show of force against real threats going on right now in this world. Heck, we didn't even bother sending anybody over to march in the war against terrorism right after the attacks a few weeks ago in Paris. We're having Iran (of all nations) try to stave off ISIS over in Iraq, when all our military personnel told our administration not to pull out too quickly because bad people will quickly take over and that's exactly what happened. On the local and state levels, I certainly trust most of our people to look out for our interests. On the federal level, our president is looking after Iran. They're going to get them their nuclear arsenal one way or another and we are one of the top two targets of that arsenal. So right now, the US is a big target and I would recommend anybody interested in living here might want to think twice.
The biggest difference between Canada and the United States is population. Canada has 10% of the population and the U.S. has more people in places like N.Y. than exist in all of Canada. For that reason you can still find that small town feel in a lot of places in Canada while they are harder to find in the U.S. Both have their benefits. The majority of the Canadian population is within 100 miles of the United States because most Canadian cities are close to the U.S. border. Visit some cities accross the border and decide for yourself!
Being from the UK i can only really comment from the viewpoint of a tourist and thinking about which country i would like to visit the most. I think i would choose the USA over Canada simply for the reason that there are more places in the US i have a strong desire to visit rather than places in Canada. In the US the landscape and feel of the country can vary greatly depending on whereabouts you are. I would like to visit New York, Los Angeles, Memphis, Texas and Florida. All these places are vastly different from each other so i just think the USA has more to offer. Having said that the US gets far more exposure on television here than Canada, which gets very little, so maybe i need to be exposed to more of Canada in order to gain an informed opinion.
I would choose Canada in a heartbeat. I know people from Botswana who live there and LOVE it. I also know those who have experience of both countries, and there seems to be a preference for Canada overall. Obviously, there's crime everywhere, but I feel Canada is the safer option. The gun crime and laws that govern gun ownership in the US terrify me. The only thing that would put me off with Canada is the weather, I absolutely HATE cold weather and I hear it can get crazy cold.
Depending where you are. There are mild places in the winter here.. my home town was one of them. Beautiful winters, if it snowed much, and never as cold as it got in the other city I moved to, where the snow was up to my eyeballs.. but now that I think of it, not all that colder than some other areas. But I get it, coming from someone that has never been here.. it's the "North Pole" to most people lol. Then there's BC.. the mildest and most beautiful.. the ocean, rain forest and barely a snow flake in the winter. You trade snow for rain there in the winter.. but otherwise, you can head outdoors all year round. I think most people expect something far different of Canada before they come here. I totally agree with you on the safety aspect and I almost agree with the thought someone else had about places to visit. Just depends on what you're looking for. We're not about the flash, we're about the fun, adventure and beauty
I live in Canada and I prefer to raise my children here. I have traveled to the US a lot of times and I noticed that stereotypes are true. Canadians are s much nicer than the Americans. I feel like Canada is definitely safer, we still have the occasional terrorist threats because we are closely neighboured with the States, but its not as bad as the dangers as living in the States. I want my children to grow safely and with manners and to be kind. Even if it gets a little chilly up here sometimes, its nothing that we can't survive through A good parka can help with that.
The US is not the great place it once was in my opinion. We have so much drama and negative politics going on that it is shocking that anyone would look to us as the go-to country. I am starting to look to the United Kingdom as the country that has things together the way they should. I could be wrong in that assessment, but it seems like a great place to live.
I don't think there is a perfect place, it's what you make of it and the choices you make in where you live and who you associate with. In regards to the education system that makes more of a difference when they are older. I also think friendships matter so being close to good friends is a factor.
I'm also biased, being from Canada, but the healthcare and the mountains and the nature are all great reasons to live there, as far as I'm concerned. Universities too, more affordable, good quality. You could not pay me to live in the US -- in fact, I don't even think I would be TRANSITING though the US on a flight home, even if it would be cheaper -- the hassle and the craziness is not something I need. But I expect there are great place in the US.