Does anyone have this checking account. They are marketing it heavily, and promising no fees and complete access. This sounds too good to be true. They are also offering a $50 bonus. I don't know how this would be possible since they would not make any money off of the account. Without a minimum balance I don't see how they would generate a lot of investment capital for the bank. Since I'm currently shopping for a new checking account after Wells Fargo's customer service fell off, I'm very curious.
I have a Capital One 360 Account, and I will be a year-long customer in December. I have had no issues with Capital One and I love my account at this point. When I signed up I was able to get a bonus of $200.00, but I can't remember the terms. I think I had to open an account with a certain amount of money in it. They paid the bonus after 60 days, which is normal. Since I opened up my account last year, I closed my old bank account at another bank. I have found that I really enjoy an all online banking experience. Their checking and savings accounts are interest accounts. I earn money on my balances in both accounts, and they pay the money monthly. I would do more research if you aren't completely sold on the bank. I looked into the 360 website for a few weeks before I decided to open an account. I can always send you a referral link. You will get $50 for opening your account that way. I'm not sure if it is the same deal that you are looking at right now.