I love dogs. I never had a pet cat simply because my family and I prefer dogs because it can guard our house whenever we are away. Also, our dogs are so loving and sweet. I consider them as part of our family..
Dogs above cats any day. I'm definitely a dog person at heart. I love dogs I really do believe they are mans bestfriend.
Interesting discussion, actually this issue has been discussed on many other forums before it. But I think it more dependant on one's own nature. If someone is passionate about cats, you can't stress him/er to like dogs. Same is the case with dog lovers. Personally, I love dogs. Log In
They equal girls to cats and some other people to dogs, (I am not calling anyone a dog) and that artists like cats and soldiers like dogs. But it so happens in probably 50% of cases that someone likes both, as do I. The more you can give a home to an animal, the happier you will be for it in the process.
I'm a dog lover myself; but that's mainly because I have only ever had dogs. I'm sure I would love to have a cat if I ever did decide to get one. In fact, a lot of my friends have cats and I do enjoy just sitting stroking them while watching a movie or whatever hehe!
I really adore dogs, particularly those that are small and cute. I would even give them a bath, feed them, and bring them to the vet for their shots. I hope you could get one soon.
There's upsides and downsides to both. The one thing a don't like about cats is that they tend to become solitary as they get older. I would prefer if they socialize like they did when they were kittens. I will qualify this statement with this: I'm basing this opinion on my experience with the two cats I owned. They were sisters. And not only did one of them shun people, she shunned her sister too. They were close as kittens. But when they got older, they had to be kept separated or else a fight might break out. Cats require much less maintenance, though. If you are not co-dependent but you want a pet, cats don't need to be walked or pampered.
I love dogs. I have nothing against cats but somehow I feel that I can train the dogs better. Cats love to be independent so they can not the best companions of humans but dogs can do almost anything for you.
Dogs all the way. They may be a little dumber than cats (in most cases) but they're loyal, active and just full of happiness and energy.
When I was young, we had just dogs. Then when I was in my teens, we owned cats only, and that's all I've owned until I turned 48 and had the desire to own a poodle again. After having only cats for so long and being used to their docile behavior, bringing in a hyper-active puppy with razor sharp teeth that destroyed everything in her sight, it had me fearing a had made a big mistake. Even though I loved my new dog, she was certainly a handful. But now that I've had her for almost 2 years and she's calmed down a lot and doesn't destroy everthing in sight, I've grown to love dogs just as much as cats. Oh, and because she doesn't shed, that gives her more brownie points that the cats actually.
I have both and won't imagine any other way. The dog is annoying because I have to take her outside; so when it is raining I have to get soaked just so she can pee. At least the cats can be trained to poop in a box, or even the toilet if you take some extra time.
I think dogs make better companions, but cats are better on their own. If you travel a lot, it's much easier to leave a cat than it is a dog. I like dogs better because they offer more protection and friendship. I have owned both cats and dogs and find both of them lovable.
I love both and I have both but if I had to choose it would be cats. I've had cats my whole life and they are such wonderful animals. They're full of personality, so quirky, sweet, adorable and fun. They smell good and love to cuddle. There's just so many good things to say about them. Dogs are great too but I'd choose cats.
I like cats more. I can't really tell you why, because I really don't know myself, though. I just find cats so much cuter than dogs. Which is weird, cause when I was younger, it was the exact opposite; I didn't like cats at all but I loved small breeds of dogs.
I still prefer dogs over cats but I'm beginning to love cats. I think cats are suitable for people who are mysterious and somehow kind of classy while dogs are for people who are outgoing and loves to socialize with others.
I have both a cat and a dog. I have always had both since childhood. I like both animals for various reasons. The cat is independent and she cuddles once in a while and she's happy. The dog and I go on walks each day, so we have our outdoor adventures and he loves to play and both pets will lounge on the couch with me while I watch TV lol. My dog knows when I am sick or sad and he puts his face on my lap and does a very sad sigh. He is the smartest dog ever. The cat loves to sit on my keyboard while I type It is hard to pick a favorite really. Both animals are marvelous.
Have two cats, they are absolutely amazing. I would NEVER choose a dog over these two. cats are much better for young families, as you can leave them alone all day and they won't poop everywhere, you can even leave them for weekends. They are quiet, and do not require walks, I love them!
I have always had a strong preference for cats since as far back as I can remember. Don't get me wrong, I love dogs too but I've never really grown up with any before. I've enjoyed playing with my friends dogs throughout the years but I don't think I could own one. I'm an artist and I simply feel that cats suit my needs more for some reason. I'm not really an outdoors type of person so I can't really imagine myself having a dog of my own.
Dogs every time - they're such good company, and they repay the love you give them tenfold and unconditionally. When a dog loves you, he loves you with all his heart, and it's a wonderful feeling. On the practical side, a dog keeps you healthy, as it has to be exercised regularly. Having a dog is like having an extra member of the family, whereas a cat always lives in its own world, only admitting humans when it feels like it.
Although my family and I love both cats and dogs, it is a real hard dilemma to actually choose. Cats are great comforters, but then so are dogs. I find with my dog Ruby ~( the cutest Jack Russel)~ that she is very faithful. In the past I had rescued a kitten from the snow, she was beautiful, but unfaithful. Cats tend to wander unless you keep them inside, which i find is kind of unnatural for them. It would have to be a dog for me personally.