My younger kid loves cereals and milk, but he has a strange way to eat them. I realized he stopped eating when the cereals become too soaked in milk, so I said if he wanted to drink a glass of milk with cereals on the side and he always eats them like that now. Is this a unique case or is it happening with you as well?
It never happened to me but I understand why your kid likes to eat cereal in the new way you proposed. Some of use like crispy food, food that's harder to chew, not too hard but pleasant. When that food gets too soaked the crispness goes away, and thus, generates less pleasure when eaten. I find that kids are likely to favor such food more than adults. And no wonder, guess who's having the better teeth
Yeah, that's right, I like the crisp too, but I guess I eat faster than him so I still eat them while they are not totally soaked. Seems strange to give him the cereals this way, but at the same time he's eating exactly the same, so it's a matter of perspective.
It's funny you posted this. My kids like their cereal the same way !!! They are pokey in the morning and usually take quite some time to actually finish breakfast. When their eating cereal, it always gets soggy and I end up throwing it away. What a waste !! So now I just give them a big cup of their favorite cereal dry and a separate glass of milk or chocolate milk and their all set !!! I save money and they enjoy their breakfast! All is good
My son (and myself, honestly, lol) is the same way...just likes it better when there's a little crisp left in them. There are actually bowls that have a little yin yang style divide for that kind of thing, but the glass of milk method works just as effectively, I find .
I don't think this is weird at all because this is how I eat my cereals! I find cereals too yucky to eat when they become soaked for a long time. Because this is how I eat mine, my nephews have followed suit! Just let him do what he wants. What is important is he eating and drinking milk.
Yeah, that's how I feel, he eats the cereals, he drinks the milk, he's happy, so all good. I still eat my cereals the old fashioned way, with cold milk though because I like them crispy, but I let him eat like that because there is nothing wrong with it. I fee proud about the suggestion I made to him though haha.
I also have a specific softness I like to eat my cereals in but I just eat quickly or just don't put in as much in a bowl so I don't end up getting soggy cereals at the end. I think there are a few more ways you can do to prevent this like only dunking each spoonful one at a time but it would take too long and I feel like the method you stated probably works the best for kids. Smaller portions may also work well because it won't take as long to get to the end and if you want more you can simply pour another serving.
Aww... Am I the only one here who doesn't mind soggy cereals? Lol. My son is just about to turn two years old and he's fine with soggy cereals as well. With particular brands like Koko Krunch, I like eating it when it's mildly soggy. I actually wait for it to settle for a time before eating it. I guess different people just have different preferences. Haha! But yeah, it seems like for the majority of people, crispy cereals is the way to go. I remember this one episode in "How I Met Your Mother" where Robin is about to pour the cereals in the bowl. But then the little child asked her to pour the milk in first so the cereal won't get soggy. That was actually a bit weird for me since I always start with the cereals and then add in the milk so I'll know exactly how much to put in. Any soggy cereal lovers out there as well?;p
I stop eating also when the cereal gets too soggy. I use yogurt instead of milk with my cereal which does keep the cereal from getting too soggy, if it sits too long it will get soggy.
I agree, soggy cereal is terrible. I don't blame him for stopping. For me I learned to eat my cereal faster so that the cereal didn't soak up all the milk and make it mushy. I guess you could put the milk in first, add some cereal eat that and then go for seconds. Only pour in what cereal you can eat quickly.
I think that's a "unique" case and a matter of personal preference, in the same way where some people like their vegetables half-cooked and some people don't. I actually like it when the cereal gets soggy and has absorbed the milk in it. If I would just snack on a cereal with no milk, then that would be Koko Krunch.
I never actually tried putting cereals on milk as I get disgusted by it (for me). I just like eating cereals alone without anything in it. Although there are a lot of kids who loves cereals with milk, I never really liked it even as a kid. Well my little brother and my cousin love it, it's just not my cup of tea I guess.
It's funny because I actually like milk-soaked cereal and I never understand why people want the crunch so much. Is it for the sake of making the noise? But with your situation, it's normal because my little sister likes eating cereal alone and milk on the side. She sees the cereal as some sort of junk snack than a breakfast meal. We save milk and money with that too since we serve less milk for her than with a bowl and she actually drinks it all when in a cup. When she drank it from the bowl, she never finished the milk.
I actually don't take much of milk these days unlike when I was a lot younger, decided to reduce milk consumption. I like taking milk and cereals separately. I wouldn't like when it gets over soaked in the milk. That wouldn't stop me from eating but it's more enjoyable if I take them separately.
I love when my cereal gets too soaked in milk actually and think it's better than having it crunchy. Anyway, with my daughter it's a different story as she eats them just like your child does, she has a separate cup of milk and a small bowl of dry cereal. This wasn't always the case, she actually started to do this recently.
Cereals are an ok meals once in a while, but that often as processed foods are not the best for us. I do prefer mine crunchy too, as whey are soft they lose all the interest to me. As for eating them as a side dish to a glass of milk, well, that's really creative from your kid @Peninha!
that's funny because I love cereals that are too soaked with milk. I do eat them when they crunchy but I love them a lot when they get soggy. My wife's brother eats cereals alone two years ago, but now he likes them soaked with milk too.
The way I see it, you are just being more efficient here. I like it, and I am always wasting milk and cereal with issues like that, so it makes sense to me, although it might be an adjustment that takes time.
Every child is unique and I don't think there is anything abnormal about your kid. All he wants is crispy food and doesn't like soaked cereals. But when you soak cereal in milk it will become easily digestible and easy to swallow. But if there is no indigestion problem in child I think there is no issue in continuing this method. After all if he is ready to take this there is nothing like that. I used to give ragi cereals to my kid but it was really difficult to feed him. Ragi is full of fiber and very nutritious too but my kid doesn't like any cereals. So you are lucky that he likes them.