What is your favorite coffee brand and where do you buy it? I will drink anything, but some of the best I have had is Kirkland's Columbian blend from Costco. It is a dark roast and is very good. Sadly, it has gone up quite a bit in price..and of course there are no coupons for it since it is a store brand...I Like Chock Full of Nuts as well.
My favourite coffee is Tim Horton's. I absolutely love drinking this coffee. I'm not a huge Starbucks fan, I find the coffee too bitter. In order to save money, I will buy the pods and make it at home. Just as good and I even have a Tim Horton's mug to serve it in.
I like Lavazza an Italian brand, but I will try other espresso brands wherever I am in the world because I can't always get what I like. Percol is another brand I like as they specialize in espresso granules, but I always go for a dark roasted blend. Quality over quantity for me and I actually carry coffee around with me when I travel just in case.
I have come to realize it’s not that I dislike coffee, it’s that my taste buds can only handle expensive, high-quality stuff. Nothing beats genuine 100% Kona coffee and it’s easily accessible since I live so close… but even then, that price. Yikes. It might be why I have a soft spot for the flavored Kona coffee blends, like vanilla macadamia. They can still be pricey, but as a very occasional special treat, maybe once or twice a year, I think it’s worth it.
My favorite coffee brand is Chock full o'Nuts. I really love their dark blends and it always leaves a nice taste in my mouth. It's also one of the few coffee brands that can keep me wide awake. Whichever supermarket has the best deal is where I buy this coffee. I also enjoy drinking coffee from Folger's, Maxwell House, Eight o'Clock, Dunkin' Donuts, and Stop & Shop's store brand. I've tried ground coffee from Dollar Tree and thought it was alright.
My preference is Dunkin' Donuts coffee made by them, but I don't get that often. I occasionally buy their ground coffee or coffee beans at the grocery store and brew it at home, but that still costs a lot more than Eight O'Clock, Chock Full O'Nuts and Folgers, so I usually buy them. I will sometimes buy the store brand, but I have to watch the acid content, because it irritates my ulcer.
I don't really have a favorite brand as such - as I only ever drink Italian coffee and generally buy it ready ground - as its way cheaper to buy it that way - however that said - if I were to buy a branded coffee it would most likely be either Illy or Lavazza - as the majority of their blends come somewhere close to the smooth rich flavor I get from the ready ground coffee I buy at the store.
I have to admit that I am a Starbucks fan and you can buy it pretty much everywhere. It is expensive, but for some reason, I like the taste of their coffee compared to others.
I am a bit of a coffee snob and my favorite brand is Seattle's Best Coffee. The level 4 is the best. If I can't have that then I will take a cup of Folgers original.
I used to like Seattle's Best until they got bought out by Starbucks - they're basically the exact same coffee as Starbucks now, which I was never crazy about to begin with. I switched over to Caribou Coffee a few years ago, when one opened up near me, and I really loved their extra dark roasts. I would buy the beans and grind them myself in my Cuisinart burr mill grinder. However due to another job I had taken which required a long commute, I stopped going through all the fuss to make coffee. Plus it was putting a big dent in my wallet that I really shouldn't have been blowing so much money on. Eight O Clock coffee beans are good too though and like half the price of the other brand names. If you grind and brew them properly you can get a really nice cup of coffee from them as well.
I tend to stick to Costa and Starbucks, but also some store bought ones. I get really excited if I see a new brand that I've never had, so I do like to switch it up once in a while. We can't get those in Botswana, though. So I now stick mainly with a brand called House of Coffees, dark roast. I love my coffee nice and strong, too.
I'm a big fan of kicking horse coffee, which is from the west coast of Canada. Recently I have just been buying the discount brand at the supermarket, and having them grind it right there. It;s not even that expensive, and having it fresh ground makes a huge difference!
I have several favorite brands when it comes to coffee, depending on the type it is. For instant gourmet-like coffee, my favorites varieties are those of Hills Bros. For regular instant coffee my choice is Folgers Classic Roast Instant Coffee, otherwise Hills Bros. However my favorite ground coffee is Maxwell House hands down. I also likes the taste of Illy Espresso, a gift from a friend.
For me the best coffee in the world comes from Colombia. You can recognize an excellent coffee when the taste is so good that you don't have to add any milk or sugar. I was privileged to meet some Colombian coffee growers and visit their farms. It has changed my perception of coffee forever.
I'm not very picked when it comes to coffee but there are some that have a taste I dislike. If I had a favorite my pick would be Nescafé just because it's what I have grown up with and I also like Dunkin Donuts coffee a lot. As for the rest of them, even the fancier brands, they are all interchangeable to me and so I prefer to just buy cheaper brands instead.
I love Starbucks too! It is a shame that their iced and flavored coffees are really expensive here. Plus, they are really high in sugar too. I love love love Iced Coffee Jelly. I can drink that forever lol. But I tend to just buy once in a while as it can be quite addicting to drink. And I am also watching my weight.
I noticed that the coffee being sold here in the stores are all too bland for my taste. I would rather just buy those 3 in 1 sachets and place 2 tablespoons of sugar in it so it would be as sweet as I would like.
I'm not one of those guys that hold onto a favorite brand. In fact I bounce around on brands that I love every day. Heck, I spice up all my coffee that makes it more a desert than anything.
I love trying coffee from different places. One of my favorite things to do is buy different types and brands of coffee when I travel both internationally and domestically. My friend and I always bring back a bag for each other. Other than that I usually buy it from Costco. I get the best value there. I am a big fan of Chock full of Nuts as well. I think like the lighter roast blends and this one makes my kitchen smell so delicious.
I have to second Colombian coffee, too. Although I'm probably not getting their top notch variety, as I usually get mine from my local supermarket. I've noticed that my preferences tend to lean towards Colombian, Italian and Ethiopian coffee. I've heard that McDonalds coffee is also very good, although i've not personally tried it.