Coloud Headphones Review

Discussion in Product Reviews started by DrRipley • Jun 26, 2014.

  1. DrRipley


    Mar 29, 2012
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    I recently bought some Coloud headphones for me and some of my relatives and so far the reception has been good. These headphones, I'd say, are still relatively basic, but definitely a notch or two above cheaper generic ones. It comes in two variations - one being the smaller and one is bigger with a fuller sound, and the price difference between both isn't that much so it mostly just will depend on how portable you want your headphones to be.

    The best features, I've found, is the flexibility of the smaller one as you can bend it almost completely the opposite direction without it breaking, and also there is a mechanism in the socket area which is also flexible so you can use it to tie up the wire when you're done using it. I thought that was very innovative as I'm sure anyone who uses headphones or earphones frequently enough knows of the trouble that comes with keeping the wire Neat and tidy when in transport. I give it an 8/10 overall, and I would highly recommend it to anyone looking for an above average headset for a low price. Also, it's worth noting that they are made by Nokia (as far as I know) so you can at least rest easy that the manufacturer knows what they are doing, and also they have an earbud variety as well, but I didn't get to try that, so if anyone here has any experience with those, I'd love to hear of your opinion as well.