I'm a couponer from way back. I figured out the tricks long ago, before the TV shows, web sites and forums. It's great to save money and build a little stock pile for things you use regularly, that makes perfect sense. I just can't seem to wrap my head around the thinking of some of those people on "Extreme Coupon". I do get coupon circulars from neighbors, 4 or 5, not a 100 or so, I also stock up bath wash when I have a coupon and it's on sale maybe 10 at the very most, not 150 of them. I mean really does a family of three need 300 boxes of Hamburger Helper, it isn't really that good of a product to begin with. I think because some of these people are resourceful in getting the coupons, they are really wastefully in collecting products. I'm not talking about the people who donate their extras or those that get enormous savings in order to donate, and there are a few. I'm talking about those who literally have tons of things in their homes, that one family could never use in two lifetimes let alone one. Great you have 167,000 QTips, did you forget, humans only have two ears. Do you think buying massive amounts of products because of the savings with coupons is wastefully or practical?
It is definitely wasteful. Who cares if you can get all those Hamburger Helpers for free? They do come with an expiration date, so what good is it to have 5 or more years worth when most of them will have to be thrown out in a year or so? These people do have a problem, and I'm sure their homes are so stocked to overflowing that they'll soon be the show Hoarders if they don't get this excessive need to oversave under control.
Expiration dates were something I didn't even cover in my statement. Many of these homes are stocked to the point where safety issues are a concern. Like I have said, I love coupons and use them effectively regularly. I have a coupon exchange with my sister and sone fellow savers where we trade or just give either unwanted or many duplicate coupons to one another. I think it would be better if these people got what they needed and just passed on the other 75 or so coupons.
I think it is an addiction they have. An extreme couponer, I feel, get a rush at the checkout when they have 5 or 6 carts and their bill comes to $30.00 for $500.00 work of products. They are also probably paid to be on the show. I think buying paper products, or products that do not expire in bulk is fine, but I would never buy in bulk anything that has an expiration date. I think the addiction then gets to the point where they have no where to store all the products. I truly believe it is an addiction.
I get a thrill at the register too. I once had a grocery total for 237.52, after coupons and bonus discounts the grand total was 1.83. I was so delighted. Maybe it's me but I can't imagine the feeling being different with the amount, bottom line is the savings. But your probably right, it could be an addiction problem.
The only time I think it's okay for an extreme couponer to get 300 boxes of Hamburger Helper is if they're going to donate the ones they don't need to a food bank or soup kitchen. I saw one couponer on Extreme Couponing that gets mass quantities of food to give to their church and I thought it was amazing of them to do something so kind. I dislike the competitive, warlike women on the show who yell and get aggressive when shopping and clear the shelves of items.
I stockpile but nothing like what you see on that show. Although, about twelve or thirteen years ago, I did have a huge amount of paper goods stocked up in my storage space. If I could get non-perishables in the large amounts like that for free, I would definitely get as many as I possibly could. It's only wasteful if it doesn't get used. For anything with an expiration date, I only buy as much as my family will use within three to six months, depending on the item. I have stocked up on mustard and ketchup to the point where I didn't have to buy more for a year. I don't judge the people on that show by what is shown because the show sets things up to look the way they want it to. I do get upset when it shows people using coupons illegally, however, because it gives people the wrong impression. There has been a huge outcry amongst couponers, though, so the show has toned down on that, I've noticed.
Have you been reading my coupon diary. That is my routine. Enough to last 6 months is a great rule to follow. I do have a few exceptions. I do have 10 packages of toliet paper, 10 packages of paper towels and 12 bottles of dish soap. All of which cost me less than 2 dollars for the whole lot. They are the only items I have more than 6 of. I agree with you on the portrayal of the show, but these people still go over the deep in with amounts. I saw one lady buy 500 boxes (she pre ordered) of elbow macaroni. 500 boxes, really, it's just a waste. And we haven't even touched base about having to put that all away. No way would I want any parts of that!!
I have to agree. It is definitely wasteful and also greedy! I remember watching "Extreme Couponing" a couple times and thinking why is all that excess necessary. I think there was only one episode I can recall where the woman had adopted children and they all helped her cut coupons. She did use most of her groceries to donate all of them to a local community center for foster kids or something. That made sense, but just to have stock piles of body wash and dog food in your garage doesn't make sense.
It depends if they have a large family and going to use the items. I can see stock piling on stuff that don't expire like toilet paper. I would love to know how to extreme coupon but not to the point of buying 100 of an item. I get all excited if I save like $30 on a shopping trip. I once had a small stockpile of toilet paper which came in handy when I was broke. The one lady on Extreme coupons had a big stock p[ile of diapers for a baby she didn't have nor was she expecting a baby. This one single guy on the show donated toiletries such as shampoos and toothpaste to make care packages for the troops which i thought was awesome. If a person or family is going to use the stuff or donate it to an organization or a person who needs it I see nothing wrong with it but I agree with a poser don't clear the shelves. leave some for others.
I think in the current economic climate you should take whatever you can get for as little money as possible! In the UK we have absolutely NO opportunities to coupon like you guys in the states. I'm lucky if I see one voucher every six months. And the small print always says 'only one coupon per customer'. It's very disheartening, especially considering the extortionate price of groceries. Supermarkets are NOT remotely interested in giving the customer a fair deal, they are only concerned with making as much money as possible. I say get everything you can from them!
I personally think it is wasteful. There is no way you are going to use that much! Now if you are going on the first of the month and buying enough for the month then yea, sure coupon your butt off but if you are buying enough to last until your kids have kids then that's too much. I personally just don't have the attention span needed
If I wanted to buy enough of a product to last me until my granddaughter was grown up, I would think that it wouldn't be anyone's business but my own. Like someone above who said it was bad because that woman pre-ordered 500 boxes of macaroni and used coupons. Why would that be bad? As long as it gets used (face, pasta lasts a long time plus can be donated), and she didn't clear out shelves, why would anyone butt their nose into it? As long as someone doesn't commit fraud with their coupons and isn't rude to the store or other shoppers, I feel like it's no one's place to make any judgments. I could never understand those who seem almost offended because someone else gets stuff for free or does better than they do with their deals.
I use coupons frequently. It does give me a rush when I go to the register and check out with $100 dollars worth of product for only a few dollars. However I only stockpile non-perishables and I only have enough of a stockpile to keep me going for about two months. I never, ever clear out store shelves. I can't stand when people do this, clearing out the entire selection of detergent on sale leaving nothing for anyone else. Everybody deserves a chance to save. If I do have the opportunity to get free or almost free food I will get just what I need and donate the rest to charity. I find that I usually save most on non-perishable items such as detergents and paper products. I don't score that many great food deals.
First of all I will admit I am guilty of watching those shows, they are facinating. I do think they take it to a point that is absurd. I saw an episode, in which a woman bought around 50 yougurts...I like yogurt as much as the next person but c'mon! Unless you are the Dougars(18kids and counting family) I don't think you can eat that many yougurts before they expire. Who even has that much room in thier fridge? I can't ever even find room for the left over roast! I don't care if they are free I don't want to bring them home and throw them away. I also think these people hurt those of us who are more reasonable. I have noticed a decline in the coupons in the sunday paper. Is that just me or has anyone else noticed it as well? I just want my $2 off a pack of diapers back
POCS I had to laugh at your post because I have had the very same thoughts and totally agree with you!