I purchased this item because the size is perfect for me in the morning. Four cups is really two mugs. I selected this one because I did not see too many other makes and models and because I knew the name of the company. It has an automatic shut off which is a feature I like and the cone shaped filters are preferred by me. Don't buy this item. The thin metal carafe sits atop the warming plate and when the first of the coffee is brewed, it burns unless you remember to put a little water in the pot before turning it on. The other issue is that the spout pours terribly - it drips everywhere.
So you wouldn't recommend this to others? How much did you pay for it? I'm not a big coffee drinker myself, so I haven't bought a coffee maker. Whenever I feel like having a cup of joe, I go to a Starbucks or to this one little coffee shop not far from my apartment.