Everyone knows about the Green Bags, but Debbie Meyers also has Green boxes. These boxes are great. We store everything from left overs to raw meat in them and they preserve much longer then in Ziploc or other types of containers we have found. We have problems finding more of these on sale, we keep running into the light weight ones, but if you get a chance to get some of these... you should. They will save you a lot of money in the end and they work right along side the green bags that Debbie Meyers also sells. They keep your food fresher longer. Their price is a bit high, but from the amount of money you will save on your grocery bill from food going bad, it pays for itself.
Thanks for the review of the green boxes. I will have to start to look for some of these boxes in my area, I usually freeze leftovers to keep from throughing out good food but the food can still get freezer burned before it is used. I just threw out some meat that was freezer burned.