This is a great way to find discounts on everything from restaurants to clothing and groceries but in addition, if you sign up, you will get emails with even further discounts on some gift cards. They great for you and for gifts too. Sign up here:Log In
I've found that offers usually 2-3% more off on their cards than plasticjungle does. However, the selection on cardpool is not as good because they are a newer site. Cardpool also pays a bit more on some cards than plasticjungle.
This is really cool! I have some friends that I know would be interested, I'll be sure to refer them to the site! Thanks for sharing. Has anyone else had experience with this site?
Thank you for sharing this. I always enjoy saving money. Especially with this economy it is important to try to save money anyway that we can.
When you sign up you will get emails stating extra percentages off which I really love. Also, I just signed up to send a card to them and they paid for my shipping to them. I like that! I do know people that have used it and it has worked out perfectly.
Can anyone else vouch for these guys? I'm interested but I'm also a little bit suspicious about how they get their gift cards. I'm sure not that many people would sell theirs to them for less than the card is worth (I may be wrong though).
I just signed up, but I will have to do more research before I purchase anything. This site seems like a great find if it really is legitimate.
You can always pick up gift cards for highly discounted rates, i used to buy $20 papa johns cards for $5.
I can vouch for them - I have ordered over 10 giftcards from and about 5 from PlasticJungle.