Have you ever heard of PlasticJungle.com? I absolutely love this site! I stumbled on it when I was looking for a way to get money for an old Old Navy Gift Card I received for Christmas. I don't like Old Navy anymore, and I didn't feel like throwing away 50$. I know of a store in my area that actually buys gift cards for a 50% profit (you get half of the value of the gift card in cash, if they take the brand/store). I started to search online for a similar deal because I figured if a store owner could offer this than I had to be able to sell my gift card somewhere, right?? I was right. I found PlasticJungle.com. It is a HUGE website that carries every single gift card you can think of. Not only can you sell your unwanted gift card for instant cash, but you can buy gift cards at a discounted price. Every gift card has different rates but it is definitely worth whatever the offer is. For example, let's pretend you are planning your monthly trip to Walmart next week. Every month you spend 100$ there. You could go on PlasticJungle.com and buy a 100$ Walmart Gift Card for 90$! 10$ might not seem like a lot of money to some people...but it is totally worth it, to me. I take what I can get! If you decide to sell an unwanted Gift Card it is just as easy. All you do is print out a shipping label they give you and tape it to an envelope with the gift card inside. As soon as they receive the gift card in the mail you get your money 1 of 3 ways: Check, Instant Paypal, or virtual gift card points (I think they may even have FB and Amazon credits now...but don't quote me!). The whole process (selling your GC) takes a whole 7 days! I absolutely love it. I figured this was a GREAT share, considering how much money you can save buying discounted gift cards. I buy gift cards from PlasticJungle for just about everything I need, now. Literally! I buy 200$ Giant grocery Gift Cards for 175$ - 180$, 150$ Kohls Gift Cards for 130$ - 135$, and pretty much any thing you need. You should all definitely try it. I save so much money monthly!
Oh my I had never heard of that site before and that's very interesting. So do they take virtual gift cards also. I have one of those and I had forgot I had it and it's still on my email and I don't know if I can still use it or not after 3 or 4 years so I would love to send it to them for some cash. Get back to me please and let me know more. Thanks!
There are several sites out there that sell gift cards. I've started to buy just the basic drugstore cards. I've used about 4-5 of them and they've worked like a charm. Every little bit helps and if they offer free shipping and you KNOW you're going to use the card, then it's silly not to. I don't do a lot of clothes shopping, but if I did, the first thing I would do before even going to the store is to get on line and see if I could get a discounted gift card for the stores I like.
I've been going back and forth on trying these sites. I look at them all the time, but haven't bought any yet. I was only looking at clothing stores and restaurants, but grocery stores is a great idea. I don't think I'd been to Plasticjungle.com. I think I've looked at cardcash.com and one other. Thanks for the detailed post. I will check out plastic jungle.
I might check that out. Note, as mentioned in another thread, I have been saving a ton on fast food combos using gift cards. Nonetheless, maybe this PlasticJungle site has better deals. For instance, imagine if instead of saving 40 percent, I could save 60 or 80 or percent. That would make eating out practically free. Anyway, I wonder how people get these gift cards. Are they just ones people get on their birthday or Christmas? Do they owners get them via some discount and then resell them?