Dishonored, an awesome, really, awesome hybrid FPS game you should have already played can now be yours for five bucksLog In. The game seems like your typical FPS but is actually a sandbox stealth game with RPG elements, where you're free to approach each of your missions as you like, as peacefully or as violently as you prefer. You could be a shadow, reaching your goal with nobody noticing you, or kill anyone that gets in your path by using a combination of firepower and magic powers. The games setting is beautiful, steampunk-y in appearance, and the powers the protagonist has well thought out and fun to use. It's also got lots of awards, as "Game of the Year", if that helps you make up your mind about picking it up!
Picked this up during last year's Winter sale and found it to be pretty decent. The setting and atmosphere really sets the scene well as you prowl around utilizing your abilities to pull of interesting kills and escapes. I like that there's a bit of skill involved in chaining together your kills in such a manner to prevent the enemies from reaching help, or notifying other guards. Overall I found the story enjoyable, though it wasn't amazingly well written by any means. It was decent for a game though.