I find that if I have a coupon for a product I'd genuinely use, regardless of what brand it is, I'd buy it. Especially if it equates to a large saving. This makes the coupon worth chancing a product that I might not like. I'd be a lot more annoyed if I paid full price for something that I didn't enjoy, as opposed to getting it at a reduced rate. I think the only thing I wouldn't switch brands on would be the milk I buy. I can't have dairy, and I've only found one decent alternative milk for putting into tea that I like despite having tried many different ones. Therefore I made the decision that now I've found one I like I won't be switching and trying any more and wasting more money on products that don't work for me! Would you buy brands you don't usually buy if you have a coupon? Is there anything you wouldn't switch brands for regardless of having a coupon?
I will purchase brands of products that I have not tried before if I have a coupon that will provide significant savings, and if it is an item that I know my family and I will use. Coupons for items such as salad dressings, condiments, canned foods, frozen vegetables, and pasta are the ones that I will use most often when trying a new brand in order to get significant savings. In my opinion, there is usually not a significant difference in taste for these types of pantry items. One item on my list that I am weary of purchasing new brands of (even if there is a significant coupon) is baby diapers. Diapers are very costly, and even if there is a coupon that provides a significant savings, if the diapers do not fit well or are not absorbent enough, then they simply are not worth it. On the other hand, I have tried new brands of baby diapers because I had a coupon which provided significant savings, and I ended up really liking the brand and buying more later on. I guess you never know if a new product will be worth it until you try!
Oh yes, if I get a really good coupon for a brand I have never tried or one that is new, I will by the product. I got a couple of coupons for Percil laundry soap from Bzzagent recently and got a free bottle of laundry soap, plus 3 more for 99 cent each because they were on sale at the store. It smelled great and is comparable to Tide.
Sometimes we buy goods because of the coupons but it is on rare occasions only. When we were in the travel expo the other weekend, there was a girl in the entrance of the venue giving away flyers. It turned out to be discount coupons for pili tarts, a native delicacy here and one of my husband's favorite snack food. Even if it was not in our agenda since our intention was to buy plane tickets for abroad, we also bought some of those tarts courtesy of the discount coupons.
It depends on the discount on the coupon, if it's a large discount then I would be foolish not to try it. Generally I stick to brands I know, but I'm always willing to try alternatives. The aim is to get people to switch and it can work, but if the coupon has too much small print (like must buy 2 to get $2 off) then I probably won't. I like to try one first and then go back.
I do not use coupons that do not relate to items that I am going to buy. If the coupon is for a different brand and will give me a better price for the same type of item, I will use the coupon. Typically, brands do not vary that much that it would make a huge difference which one I would buy. However, I will not use coupons that are for items that I do not need since this is just a waste of money to me.
We do have the tendency to buy goods because of coupons too especially if we have never tried them before. My husband is the one who most specially loves coupons and when I see that they're worth buying then I would also purchase them. It's nice to try out new things sometimes.
I must be one of the few people who's never taken advantage of coupons! I think if we had a huge coupon culture here, I'd probably force myself to take advantage of some of the offers, take the chance to learn about new brands. Sometimes I think we remain loyal to brands, not because they're the best on the market, but rather because it's all we've ever known.
I feel the same here. If it insists I have to buy a certain number and it's not something I've bought before sometimes I'm a bit reluctant to want to have to buy two or more of something in case I don't like it. I think if it's something that would probably get used eventually anyway then I possibly would, such as canned vegetables. But if it's something you're possibly not going to use then it's not worth having to buy more of them.
If using the coupon makes the item less expensive and it's still relatively good quality I will definitely buy the product with the coupon. However I am careful because a lot of times items with coupons are more expensive then other brands, especially if other brands are on sale.
Yes, I would purchase brands I don't normally buy, because I had one or more coupons. I especially will do this on items that are expensive, such as hair color, cat food (or fish food), and cat litter. I like being able to try nice products, and if something seems at least comparable in quality to what I usually buy, and I have a generous coupon for it that makes it approximately the same price or less than I would spend on my usual brand, I will usually purchase the item. I actually just colored my hair with a new product I'd never tried before. I purchased this product because I had an electronic coupon for it at Kroger. I normally don't purchase hair color at Kroger because it's usually more expensive there than at Walmart, but since I had the e-coupon and it was a step up from my normal product, I took a chance. I'm very happy with the result, and love that the smell was not only tolerable, but wasn't unpleasant. I might not purchase that product at Kroger without a coupon, but I will probably seek out that product and buy it again if I can find it at the right price. I'm also going to let my mom and sister know about it, since they also dislike the smell of ordinary hair colors.