I know sometimes, it's tempting to run in and out of a convenience store rather than going to a bigger store, especially if you just need one thing. I've given in to temptation only to run in and run back out again due to the ridiculously high prices. While you might get lucky and find a deal on occasion, you're generally going to be expected to pay a premium for the convenience of a convenience store. I get it. I guess it's just not worth to me, since often stuff costs three times as much. Any more, I just head straight to the "real" stores. Do you give in or do you avoid them?
I really try to avoid convenience stores. I really hate overpaying for items that I know I could get cheaper elsewhere. There is a convenience store attached to a gas station at the end of my block. I live in an area with lots of apartments. I have lived here for more than 2 1/2 years, but I have been inside that store twice maybe three times to buy iced tea. I don't even like to buy gas there because I know where I can get it cheaper.
I do not do convenience stores simply because they are so expensive unless you just a drink or a snack of some sort. It really is a rip off just because it is convenient. I really do not have any that would be more convenient than to just run to the grocery store to get what I need so I do not have to avoid them. Most of the ones around here are dives and I am not sure if it would even be safe to go into them.
Honestly, I don't go to convenience stores because I find their prices high as compared to groceries and supermarkets. Since we buy by bulk in the supermarket, we have at home almost anything I need, even candies. But when the kids are with me, I have no qualms when they would point to a convenience store for that smoothie or anything. And I really don't mind the price since I see that the kids enjoy the drink.
Unless circumstances dictate that I do I never buy anything from convenience stores because almost everything they sell is a little too expensive. I have a friend who owns a convenience store and though he doesn't like it when I don't buy anything from him but I suppose he understands why I hardly ever get anything in his store.
I usually only use convenience stores when I am in a bind and need something right away. There is a convenience store within a 5 minute drive from my home, whereas the nearest grocery store would take at least a 10 minute drive, plus the time it takes to walk through the store to pick up the one item I need. I usually only shop at convenience stores when I need one item really quickly. For example, whIle on our way to a tailgate party, my husband and I realized we were supposed to bring hot dogs, which we completely forgot. A quick stop at the convenient store which was on our way solved the problem. We use convenient stores less than a handful of times per year.
I read an interesting article once about how they try to draw people in. They sometimes offer items that are quirky or are not readily available elsewhere. That, and they will sometimes try loss leaders as a draw. They might offer a gallon of milk cheaper than any other store in town, just to get you in the door. If you take advantage of the milk deal, and leave quickly, it's all good. Once they have you in the door though, it can be tempting to pick up another item or two. Some convenience stores even have signs in some that say, "Why make another stop?" At the end of a long day, not making another stop can sound really good. These guys know what they are doing.
I try to avoid them if I can but it is difficult because they are much more convenient. They are open 25 hours a day so I can just buy goods even at midnight. The most I do is not to buy that much at these stores and I only buy the minimum I need for that day. One thing I like about modern convenience stores is that the food has gotten much better and they are still fairly priced so I don't mind buying those. The ones I look out for the most are chips and sodas because they are slightly less expensive at actual grocery stores.
No I don't, and I live in a place where the convenience stores are like 1 minute away if I walk. I avoid buying junk food there because it can be expensive, but I can't resist buying soda, energy drinks, and sundaes there. The prices are higher by a couple of cents, but I think it's justified rather than making an effort to go to the supermarket and to endure the long lines.
I do use them for basics like bread, or pasta as they are priced to be competitive so that people will come and shop. Many do weekly offers to keep customers coming back, so while you won't do a full shop, the offers maybe worth it, and it means you don't have to go far for a loaf of bread or some eggs if you run out.
It all depends. In general I do, but not all of their prices are terrible, for instance 7 11 has a whole pizza for 5.55. Also, prices on gas and beer are generally good at convenience stores. Buying pantry items or medicines though or almost anything else is though is not a good idea. I only shop there if I might just need one thing, and driving 4 or 5 miles to get to a bigger store just doesn't make sense.
The cost of the item from the convenience store has always kept from using them and to me they are not clean. For some reason I always feel like I might get a bug in the bag or something, not that I have. Once in awhile I will get a cup of coffee from the 7-11 which is cheaper than Starbucks and a more pleasant cup of coffee.
We have a convenience store just around the corner from our house , and we do go there often; but we do not buy a lot of items there. My husband smokes, and the cigarettes are cheaper there (and easier to get) than standing in line at Kroger's . He walks down every day to buy those, and sometimes, we get ice cream from there, too. Both of us just love ice cream, but it is seriously unhealthy food, and so we do not buy it at the grocery store where we might be temped to have a large bowl of ice cream at night, if we had a half gallon in the freezer. This way, we might buy ourselves one of those little ice cream cups once or twice in a month; so it is a healthy choice for us, even if the small amount costs as much as a half gallon from the grocery. We also sometimes get our gas at the convenience store; but normally, I get that either at the Kroger gas station, or at Sam's club, where I can save money on the gas. The convenience store does have special gas that does not have ethanol in it; so in the wintertime, I try to put that in every other tank, to keep the car starting good in the cold winter weather.
I use convenience stores to my advantage. We have one here in my neighborhood that I mainly use for lottery tickets, but they have a particular kind of candy (5/$1) that I haven't seen elsewhere, so sometimes I'll splurge on that and I tend to slip some of it into packages I send to loved ones, as well as enjoying it myself. The only other time I go to a convenience store is when I need gas, air in my tires, or both. On those occasions, I always stop in and pick up some milk and eggs, because they are products the convenience stores price low to draw in customers they figure will spend money on impulse purchases of items that are severely market up in price. I also will occasionally splurge on an Icee, but that usually only costs $.99, and I buy them so rarely, it's a nice inexpensive treat, and I reuse the plastic cup when I'm working in the garden or on the aquarium.
I try to avoid convenience stores. I never buy bread or milk from these stores. The only kinds of purchases I make from them are juices, sunflower seeds or granola bars. I usually buy these types of items because I'm walking and I might need something to give me an energy boost when I'm walking from one destination to another if I didn't pack a snack.
I will never run into a store for just one thing if I can help it, because more often than not you will find more things that you pick up and then buy, even though you don't really need them at all. So I make a list at the beginning of each week, and go to the supermarket for the things that I need. This way I can get the lowest prices, and once my meals are planned for the week I don't deviate from those at all.
I never shop in convenience stores unless there's really no other option. Where I used to live there was only one shop, and bigger stores wouldn't deliver. That meant I had little choice other than to either pay convenience store prices, or pay to travel around 20 miles each way to a larger store. I'm glad I don't live there now, as that was ridiculously expensive in the long run, and I couldn't believe how much cheaper everything was on moving somewhere else! There are a couple of convenience stores near to me and I must admit it has made me tempted but once I go inside I can't warrant the price tag and usually leave immediately unless there's no other options available for some reason. I also find that another deterrent for me personally is that I find they don't always cater products I need (such as an alternative to cow's milk for example) so this usually means I'd have to go to a larger store anyway. If they do carry them they're usually very expensive.
There is nothing in a convenience store I even need. I don't remember the last time I was in one, so maybe they sell essentials I'm not remembering, but it wouldn't even occur to me to go to one for those things.
Generally, no, I don't shop much at convenience stores - aside from getting some smokes or beers. I used to work at one back in the early 90's, and recalled that most of those products on the shelves (and in the fridge) had been sitting there forever, collecting dust. So on top of paying a premium for most of that stuff, it's probably really old and outdated. The one exception I will sometimes make is with Giant Eagle's "Get Go" convenience stores, which are typically located right outside of their main grocery stores. If I don't feel like going into the main store and getting stuck in long lines, I will grab something from their Get Go convenience stores instead. Their prices are usually comparable to what they would be inside Giant Eagle for those same items - not great, but not nearly as high as some other convenient stores.
I buy from convenience stores when I cannot do better. For instance, on holidays when the supermarkets are closed, and there is something important that I need to get, I would use the convenience store. What I buy at these stores are usual just 2 or 3 items at a time, not a basket of goods. I think these stores have their place, and as the name suggests, they are really convenient as they are open 24/7. The only problem I have with them is the high prices of their goods. At times when the grocery stores are crowded and I only need a couple of items in a hurry, I would check out the convenience store.