It's a common thing and a routine behaviour for most working class people to always take their laundry to dry cleaning services probably because of less time and chance at their disposal to do it themselves. In truth, if you normally take your clothing to dry cleaners, take a pause and calculate the amount of money that you spend on weekly basis and multiply it by 12 months in a year, you would be surprised the amount of cash being directed to your laundry expenditures. Personally I do my laundry myself mostly on weekends just to avoid unnecessary spending and save some money. What about you?
Yes, I do this. I only use this kind of services when I'm actually very rushed with some things. Otherwise, I see no need to spend money on it.
Our living room set which has cloth material is already dirty and it needs to be dry cleaned. But since dry cleaning is expensive, what we did was to put it in the backyard for washing. We used the liquid dishwashing soap and let the lather stay for 5 minutes before rinsing. We let it stay in the backyard for drying which takes 3 days. Now is the 2nd day and so it will stay there until tomorrow. Although it is laborious, washing the furniture is way much cheaper than having it dry cleaned.
take yur cloths to the laundry, i mean the laundry man has to eat. assuming every body starts doing their laundry by themselves that will put the laundry establishments out of buisness.