Do you buy documentary films?

Discussion in Misc & Others started by Dora M • Mar 15, 2014.

  1. Dora M

    Dora MWell-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2014
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    I really like watching documentaries online and on TV. I also buy documentary DVD's for my library at home. Some of my favourite documentaries are presented by Simon Reeve, who travels to little known areas of the world, and Ross Kemp, who specialises in extreme world documentaries. Also, I never miss a show with Jeremy Wade hunting for river monsters. Do you have any favourite documentaries and do you download or buy them?
  2. BlacKnight1090


    Mar 9, 2014
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    I've seen quite a few documentaries in my life and not on purpose. I've seen a range between comedy, history, and even life events we live through at the moment. My favorites would be docs. on nature. In my past, the first two that really grabbed my attention were shown in school: 1) Super Size me and 2) An Inconventient Truth. Watched both when I entered high school and found a new appreciation for them. There were a handful before them that I watched, but were extremely sad like slavery and the events of Holocaust and Ann Frank. Anyway, I do enjoy the majority of the ones I give a chance but haven't purchased any. Most of the time it's TV now and maybe log into Netflix to see what they have to offer. There used to be a time when I purchased DVD's until my family had to sell them during a tough time. Would have a large collection by now and most likely could be filled with a decent number of these films.
  3. crimsonghost747

    crimsonghost747Active Member

    Feb 28, 2014
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    Ross Kemp has some really interesting ones. Not necessarily because they are that well done but he likes to do the real thing, see it for himself and document what he sees rather than doing a documentary while sitting comfortably in the other side of the world. He definitely does a good job.

    But no, I don't buy documentaries. I enjoy them but don't find them to be THAT entertaining so I'd pay money for them. I do try to watch them from the tv though.