The best time of year for children and adults the same is coming upon us, Christmas! Do you buy everything that is on your child's list for Christmas or do you pick the 2 or 3 things you think they want the most?
Definitely not, I only buy 1-2 items that he wants the most, and only if he has been behaving well. I believe that pandering to every single request on the list will only spoil the child and make him take things for granted.
Hell no! If I did I would be broke. But since this year I'll have money to actually give my kids a Christmas I will splurge on them this year. I won't buy everything on their list, but I will splurge for sure. On them and myself.
I only give them one item every Christmas because there are lots of kids in my family and besides we never really got used to getting more giving more than one gift from each person, most likely because we always celebrate with extended family and if everyone gave out multiple gifts for each person we'd all go bankrupt.
I don't have kids but I would imagine that if and when I have kids, I wouldn't. My parents never got us everything on our wishlist (actually we didn't really have one they just got us whatever they knew we would like), and my fiancé's family has this system where they gave you clothing (jammies, socks, whatever), a book, a treat (chocolate, cookies, etc) and a toy. I particularly like the way that my fiancé's family does it because you're not dumping a ton of toys on the kids and they will get to enjoy the things that they did get. Plus last time I checked, Christmas isn't so much about gifts as it is about being with the people you love, right?
My parents never got me anything on my Christmas list. I'd tell them specifically what it was and they'd get me something completely different. Even after being asked what I want and I tell them, they'd still get me something else. Which is fine, but after a while I just stopped asking for things. Starbucks Gift Cards are okay with me every year.