You've probably seen the commercials with the people looking shocked and horrified that their pet was eating something with... corn in it. That's why they have to buy Blue Mountain brand or something. I can maybe see being a bit horrified if we're talking about cats who aren't designed for much besides meat. I can't see the same attitude in regards to dogs - dogs are like humans because they're omnivores. Corn won't hurt them at all - heck I had a dog that loved corn and butternut squash as a treat. I don't know it just seems like now that the human side of the organic fleecing has been stretched as far as it can go, now folks are trying to take advantage of good pet owners. But that's just my opinion - what's yours?
I don't think that Blue states anything about being organic, but they do talk about fillers and unnecessary grains. As far as dogs being omnivores, I would have to suggest that this might not be a settled scientific fact...most of the vets I have brought my animals to have considered them better suited for a high meat diet, a fact I would say is backed by the fact that they are descendants of wolves.
No, not at all. Dog and cat stomach pH levels are more acidic than humans and they are just tougher in general, and I honestly don't see a reason why dogs and cats need to eat organic. I would understand if the pet has a sensitive stomach or sensitive GI track, but even then the regular food (aka non organic) make food that's tailored for pets who are like that. Honestly, I do think it's just one of those organic hypes that's tailored to people who eat organic and want their pet to eat organic too. A lot of what gets put into dog and cat food are the left-over parts of what cannot be consumed by humans, so at the end of the day I don't really see why it matters or how it makes a difference.
I don't buy organic dog food. My dog likes his yellow bag of Pedigree just fine so I see no reason to change. Dogs have survived hundreds of years without organic dog food. They'll be okay.
I'm sorry but I don't even buy into the hype of organic human food. It's just faulty science, mislabeled words, a lack in the basic understanding of chemistry, and overall a waste of money. Every time someone says buzz words like 'natural' or 'toxins', the hairs in the back of my neck stand up.
I'm with Tommy above. I'm not about to buy organic pet food when I don't even buy into the organic people food hype. I'm not going to say there's nothing to it, but whatever it is isn't worth the price you have to pay for it. I think it's mostly a selling point geared towards people who tend to be green like gangbusters.
I am trying to eat healthy, and not everything organic so to speak! The polluted air that we are breathing in is not organic, the water we drink, the clothes we wear and so many other things are all not organic. I don't have money to buy organic food for myself, so my dog got what I can afford, that's it!
I'm the health food nut in this place and even I don't buy into the organics fad. But I will say, I don't trust the food industry as far as I can throw them. Thankfully for them, animals can't speak, but the sh*t they put in their food and they're still not blamed for animal sickness, makes me ill and so angry. I wish I could get my act together and finally get my cats on a raw food diet.. "pet food" is horrible. There are a few brands that are starting to look good, but most people don't want to pay the price and they shouldn't have to to avoid feeding their pets horrible food.. they should all have good, healthy options.
Wait what? Organic pet food? That exists? LOL capitalism. I'm sure for all the centuries cats and dogs walked this Earth, the thing they cared about the most was if their food is organic.
I have to be the one that disagrees on this. For years, decades even! I always fed my animals either Dad's , Recipe or Pedigree dog food brands. My last dog actually got sick and died I believed from tainted dog food, the reason I think this is the cat ate dog grain all the time and died within a week of the dog. They both suffered terrible. My current dog ate her food fine up until last September, I always fed her Paws, suddenly she started to get sick, her hair was falling out and she got a very bad yeast infection. The vet said it was from the filler's in the food. I purposely stopped buying any dog food that had wheat gluten in it because that was what was tainted that killed the first dog. Something is in the food chemical or preservative wise Now I buy the organic brand and I have had no problems. If I feed her the old king within two days she starts getting sick again. Don't let anyone fool you, something is different in the pet food. I have had animals for years with never any problems. Organic is expensive, I supplement foods I make for her, and table scraps.
I'd say it's not about the corn, it's about the dubious ingredients that are used in many commercial pet food brands, such as meat pumped full of hormones, artificial preservatives and added vitamins and minerals. Also, I know from a friend who used to work in a pet food factory that companies use road kill that first gets "sanitized" before it is processed. So, it's all a question of quality and cleanliness of the products, more than anything.
No, I don't buy into that at all. I even have doubts myself regarding organic human foods let alone organic pet foods. Sure, it is nice to have my food pesticide free or brought up with less chemicals but is is worth 3 times the price of non-organic food. I don't think it is worth it for me to spend a lot of money for something that might be slightly better than the other option. If it was only slightly more expensive, then I would consider buying it.
Hehe I don't even buy into the hype of human organic food, let alone organic dog food. It's just another ploy to rob people of their hard earnt money. I never even knew it existed lol
We buy our cats Orijen dry food? I'm not sure if it's organic, but I'm pretty sure it's all natural. Trust me, if you want your pet to live longer, organic/natural food is the way to go. We've been feeding our cats all natural cat food and bottled water (there's something in our tap water that gives everyone skin liaisons, blegh) and we've had all of our cats live into their 20's.
It's not organic that's helping your animals.. it's the real ingredients. Road kill or not lol. Animals should not be living off of grains. And to whomever said animals weren't worried about organics over the centuries.. they didn't have to; everything was organic! lol. Your animals need wholesome ingredients.. most people don't even know anything about "organic" foods.. it doesn't seem to be what everyone thinks. The more real the ingredients, the better.. and stay away from grains.
I think some pet owners are obsessed. I have friend who says she is buddhist and she only wants to eat organic, yet she is a pensioner on food stamps living out of an RV. She buts her dogs fresh liver and cooks it for them. Crazy. I think one has to be practical as dogs will eat what they like, they don't care if it's organic or not. She fed the dogs gourmet pizza and they threw it up, what a waste of good pizza I told her especially as I wanted a slice.