I have seen buyers and sellers bargaining on an item and finally reaching an agreement. Sometimes it doesn't work since not everyone is good at making bargains. Buying in bulk solves this problem because you can take advantage of offers given to those who buy in bulk. There are also discounts given to those who buy in bulk. Do you bargain for items before buying?
Where I shop there is customer service where we can ask questions. Everywhere locally there is a set price already so I rarely barter. Even at our Open Market where, farmers gather to sell us fresh produce, fruit and other things we get things directly from the grower, which is a very good price. They have a set price too at the Open Market locally too. We have weekly sales from most every store locally, so we save money during sales. Another way to save money is with in-store special mark downs.
I am not that good in haggling but my wife is. She never fails to extract a discount no matter how little. Especially when we go abroad, we don't act like tourists so the asking price will not be inflated. There were many times that we left the store without buying when we failed to get a discount. And usually, the store attendant would chase us with an offer of a discount.
Of course, I bargain for goods especially does ones I feel its prices are hiked by the seller. Haggling always get me a good deal and I can save a little change for myself.
It depends on how knowledgeable you're about the products you're trying to purchase for I won't have said that it depends on the how rich you're for I have seen wealthy people bargain excessively on things they buy as well. Taking advantage of what you want to buy from stores that do not use price tags on their products can be a rewarding experience if one understand that once there is no price tag on a product, then the price is negotiable. Buying in bulk is another way to get quantity discounts on those products, but if your budget cannot cover the bulk price of such products, then do not fail to bargain! I bargain whenever I am in the market buying things I want at home ranging from food items to clothing to books and all that. I always start by pricing 50% of the initial price I was told so as to put the seller off-balance to tell me a price close to the real price. There are products I have gotten cheaper than I expected as a result of bargaining, so I think everyone should key into bargaining as a means to reduce prices of goods purchased
No I'm not very good at this. The only thing I have bargained on face to face is cars because you really can save quite a bit of money if they are willing to bring the price down. I have bid on Ebay which is a bit like bargaining because you are trying to get a product at the lowest possible price. I've managed to get some real bargains that way.
I usually don't bargain when I buy from the local farmer's market because that is their livelihood and why bargain when you get fresh and organic fruits and vegetables. Plus I am not that good in bargaining compared to my mother who is an expert in bargaining and she will never give up until she gets the product for the price that she is expecting.
That would depend on how much they are selling the product, if I think the price is too high, I try to haggle. I do shop on places where most of these stores get their stocks so I do have a bit of ideas on how much an item would really cost them. I try to haggle with the salesman/lady for a price I do know they would still earn much. If he/she refuses then I would walk to another store. Most of the time they would lower the cost down but not to what I was asking them, I would take it eventually if the price is reasonable.
That's for sure. I confess I've missed the times how often I've done it. Whenever I see it worth doing (because obviously in some places this can not be done) I do.
I did bargain, but I really do not like to do so. There were a few times my mom asked me to bargain for her when she wanted to buy something as she couldn't speak English well. There are also some street stalls that I heard that you really have to bargain, otherwise you might end up paying much more than double of the price they can sell it to you. For example, the price tag can be $30, if you don't bargain, you might just pay $30. If you just ask once, you may even get it at less than $15. Some can even ask for less than $10. I don't usually bargain, but if I do, I might just ask once and not keep negotiating. That's why I always prefer to buy things at stores which the price is fixed.
There are places where bargaining is a norm while there are places where the prices are absolutely fixed. Nevertheless, there's no harm in asking if the store gives further discount like what I have experienced with a well-known appliance store. In some cases, the sales agent would be willing to share his/her commission just to get the customer to buy and that can translate to a discount for a buyer who knows how to haggle. Most open air market or weekend market don't have fixed prices so you'll need to haggle. I don't go to these places unless I know the actual price of the item I intend to buy. The sellers will often quote exaggerated prices and they expect you to haggle. What I would do is check out other stores and without me haggling, I can usually find a store that sells the same item for half the price of other sellers.
If I am in open market where traders can freely come in to sell their wares I'll bargain very well before I buy items. As a matter of fact open markets create room for bargain before buying hence the reason most traders won't fix a price tagged on their wares. In the malls or hyper stores where prices are tagged on stuffs for sale I hardly bargain I just get the items with price tag within my budget.
In general, I don't really bargain when I'm buying from the mall, because haggling isn't allowed there. In the market you can, although I don't go there since I don't know how to cook. Buying in bulk is indeed more practical, although make sure that it's not vegetables or anything that quickly spoils.
One of the reasons wnhy I prefer to buy on front store rather than in shopping mall is I can bargain in front store. If you bargain, you are likely to get discounts. When you get a discount, you will save money. Even one dollar discounts matter because one dollar will continuously add up to become $100 or even $1000.
Its depends on place too. I mean at some places I know that it will not work at all. So I don't try on those places. But yes if I think it will work then I will surely try to bargain. If there is chance to get the price in bit less price then people should try it. Or they should just avoid such place if they can't bargain. I mean at such places shop keeper used increase the price from starting as he knows that people will try to bargain. So if you will not bargain then you will end up by paying more.
I generally do my shopping at fixed price stores to avoid bargaining and to be very frank I believe that most shopkeepers which encourage bargaining sales are the ultimate winners. No shopkeeper will sell anything on a loss so they tell you such a price in the beginning which has a lot of margin. I prefer fixed price shops which saves me time and money both.
As long as I can have a fair deal I will never hesitate to do a bargain with anyone that offers it. But I will also see to it that what I receive in the first place is of quality so as to be sure that the money I spend will not go to waste. There are products which really sells low but then it's poorly made or not of quality so the buyer ends up being deceived in the end.
@mildredtabitha Yes, I personally do bargain on most of the items I purchase unless I'm buying them from Supermarkets and fixed-price shelves/stores. This helps me to save alot of cash which I use on other purposes like emergency and savings..It's wise to bargain because most of the products being sold are often on a price which gives the seller a profit, and the seller would sometimes sell it on the relatively or fixed rate/amount of the item/product & that's why I often try bargaining in most cases.
I mostly shop in the malls where the prices are fixed and you can't bargain. You can only get a discount when there's a sale. When I see some prices, I sure wish I can bargain it down way more . Some things are outrageously expensive in the shops. I think bargaining will only apply to open markets and not closed shops like the mall.
As an economist I usually have to bargain on any item provided it's not in the malls where prices are fixed.