Back in 1998, the guy at the computer shop show me how to reformat/restore my PC and I have been reformatting/restoring my PC for the last 20 years Around here the computer store charges $150 to reformat/restore your computer. So I am so grateful that I learned how to reformat/restore computers to 20 years ago. How about you? Do you know how to restore/reformat your PC?
I think you mean to clear all data and information stored in the PC. If that's the case, I really don't know how to format or restore my PC. I have ever deleted everything thinking I have erased some information but I know it is somewhere in the PC's memory. It would be beneficial to learn this too so I can save money in the future when I desire such services.
I do think I have reformated my computer before, but I have read that this should only be done as a last resort. This process will erase all the contents of your hard drive-and then you will have to reinstall all your software again. I think the computers that come with the restore disk(CD or DVD that was included with the computer)make it easier though-but also it may take to much of your time, getting all the updates when you restore your computer.
I used to work in the IT department of a bank so it is imperative for me to know how to do those basic things like reformatting a hard disk or re-installing the operating system. But it’s easier said than done for it takes time to do that and sometimes I think of hiring someone to do it for me. In the middle of 2017, the system disk of our desktop broke down. It is hard work and I had to do everything that took one whole day. But that saved me the expensive service charge of a technician.
I have done this once on my own but had serious problems with having to install all the packages that would allow the system to be functional for me again which I later did with the help of a friend of mine. Ever since then, I opt for taking it to software engineers and have them do it for me for a little fee. I don't appreciate too much stress.
I had serious issues with installing the operating systems softwares when I gave my computer a reformat by myself. I just took it upon myself to give it a trail after watching some YouTube videos on how to do it. I had the impression that it was an easy task but the damn thing frustrated me for quite some time, which I had to ask for help on finishing it.
No I haven't tried it. I have to go to a computer expert, my friend and had it done for a reasonable fee. Now, I have my youngest son who is a programmer. He did the installation of new programs or apps, the reformatting of my PC in case it misbehaves or being corrupted. I don't have to refer it anymore to my friend.
Yes, I do. I do it occasionally when the system slows down. I've actually learned how to do it by myself back in the Windows XP days, but it was and is a pretty simple job imo. The only thing to really worry about in the process is whether you have the right drivers for the OS that you're installing. Several times now I've been given the job of reformatting and reinstalling the OS on old OEM machines, and I've had great trouble finding drivers - mostly audio ones.
That's exactly what I normally do now. I would prefer saving myself a lot of headache by simply taking it over to a computer software expert who don't charge much in doing that, and they are pretty fast with it unlike hours it took me on my first trail to handle it by myself. But since your kid is now a programmer, then you have nothing to worry about anymore.
@mbuzma The difficulty in making sure I'm having the right drives to install for the operating system to keep running just fine without having issues is the headache I have always had with reformatting my computer. There was even a time I went off board with the system when my RAM damaged. I decided to change it myself. I opened the system and actually removed the RAM and went and bought another one but failed to understand my system used DDR 1 RAM but I went and bought DDR 2 and the system refused to boot up. It was when I took it over to a friend of mine and made me see the difference in the RAM I bought.
I definitely wouldn't try this as my computer knowledge is too basic. I can keep it healthy by running various programmes but anything more technical would be beyond me and I would have to get someone to do it for me. I wish I had done some kind of computer course because I have learned a lot since I got my first computer but it would be wonderful to expand on it.
Yes I know how to reformat/restore PC.Its not something hard to do and I think those who own a PC should learn how its done.I love doing it for I want my PC to always function smoothly.It just requires one to have all the tools needed and the knowledge of how to use those tools.Its not rocket science and anyone interested can do it.
I do know how to reformat a PC. We used to operate a computer rental business and since our desktops were mostly generic and low quality, we had to learn how to troubleshoot and fix simple problems, both hardware and software ones. I'm thankful for that experience because I learned a lot of things, including desktop assembly. I learned to install both DOS and Windows XP OS. The PCs were my playground then and I was free to experiment on CMOS and BIOS setup. Reformatting and installing OS aren't really that difficult. You just need to have a working installer for a clean install. My current laptop has been partitioned into three volumes. One volume contains the recovery data for the OS just in case I run into problems. Many will not bother to learn about these stuff though. In our area, you can take your PC to a technician and it will only cost about $5 to have an OS installed. In some cases, an IT friend can do it for free.
I know how to restore my PC and I am doing this from time to time, especially when I see that my PC it starts to work slowly. I have learned to restore my PC by myself, no one thought me this, in fact, is not that hard.
I have a great guy here who takes care of whatever goes wrong with my computer and the peripherals. I do not feel the need to do it myself. He gets money and so let it be.
I have learned how to format and restore my PC. And learned how to make some of the changes to the disk. And how to recover the OS from the partition. Learned those skills depending on how I failed to do things. It seems like a good way to handle the PC and the OS.I'd say it can be really good to see how the new tools like norton ghost allow you to do so. It's fun that way for sure.
Yes I know it very well. But these days I am not doing it by myself . Restoring or reinstalling windows os is quite time consuming and boring. So tell to some other person or friend. Though I still do it sometimes by myself. It can surely save good amount of money if you don't want to call expert for it.