Most of the offers I see reguire you to make a purchase and get reimbursed. It takes weeks to get reimbursed and paid for the work you have done, that is my only concern with mystery shopping. I did do one on the phone which was ok but have not seen any more like that.
I do quite a bit of mystery shopping. I like the ones that require no start up fees and pay promptly. I don't want to say too much about it, since I want to keep my identity secret, but if you play your cards right, you can make more than a few dollars mystery shopping. Some people even do it full time. Also, you can get free items from mystery shopping, although they almost always require upfront payment.
Can you share some names of some legit companies, please? I'd love to do this, but I'd really prefer doing it for a tried and true company. I've had enough scams to last me forever. I can't afford to get ripped off. I'd really like to do the phone shops, especially. I wouldn't mind some of the other types of gigs either, especially if they do actually reimburse you plus pay you. It sounds like fun and like a good deal. I would probably start with something that I had planned on doing anyway, so I wouldn't really be out any cash if they decided to stiff me. Like, I might take my car in for maintenance if that was the plan anyway. Then, if it works out, great. More money for me. If not, I don't really lose anything.
If it's offered anywhere in the world I would definitely sign up. Problem is, I haven't heard anyone in our country doing that.
I write up mystery shopping reports from the forms that have been filled in by mystery shoppers. I really enjoy it as it involves writing which I love to do. The writing is just as hard as the shopping itself as it all has to be done in a certain way, and they are not happy to pay for a report or a shopping trip that has not been made exact to their instruction. If you work in retail, make sure that you are asking your customer questions and giving the best help you can in an enthusiastic manner and tell the customer everything you know about the product. As well, always try to upsell, whether you are working in a restaurant, cafe or shop. Always keep yourself busy and ready to help anyone, acknowledging them as they enter the store and offering them any assistance.
I encountered many mystery shoppers when I worked on retail at the airport. They usually go to test our behavior and customer service skills. If they purchase something we were considered great employees. One day I'd like to be in the other side of it all and do some mystery shopping myself, I will have to know how to begging first.
I like this concept Mystery Shopping but in order to avoid being scammed of my money I wouldn't agree to shopping using own money. What if I don't get the refund. I'd believe shops that will allow this without personal money.