Many persons are bewildered in having to find that extra expenditure that is usually required for Christmas shopping. Some people at the beginning of the year, participate in a saving plan at their workplace specifically for Christmas spending. The plan usually commences at the beginning of the year and continues through a set weekly or monthly contribution. Some employer's will add a prescribed amount to the sums that their employees would have saved. Around mid-December, each contributor would be reimbursed their year's contribution and plus an equal share of the employer's contribution and any interest that might have accrued. I believe this is excellent means of satisfying Christmas expectations
It certainly is a great way to save money for Christmas shopping but since I'm self-employed I don't participate in any Christmas saving plans. Instead of saving for Christmas I always buy most of the stuff I'd buy around Christmas time all through the year. That way I don't have to spend too much money around Christmas time.
I don't participate in a special savings plan for Christmas shopping, but I really should. Every year near Christmas time it becomes very stressful trying to figure out how I am going to pay for Christmas gifts. I think I may open up a Christmas savings account to put money in each time I get paid, or buy gifts throughout the year instead of trying to purchase all of my Christmas gifts at one time. I use to love when stores had lay away. I could shop for all of the things I wanted and pay for them a little at a time, but unfortunately many stores stopped offering lay away.
I don't participate in any plan. Nonetheless, now that I have PayPal credit, I can use it as a sort of leverage. I can simply borrow 500 for Christmas and pay it back in six months. Has anyone else tried this method?
I purchase Christmas gifts all through the year so that I don't have to deal with the headache of it all during the holiday season. I find that you can get better deals when you keep your eyes peeled for gifts just going about your daily errands all year long. I have started to save money and Amazon gift card points so that I will have money available when I find an item I want to buy.
This is a good idea. However, it is too incongruous if it is initiated by a company where the employee works. Why I say that? Saving plan for Christmas shopping is a personal matter. It would be unfair for those who have a better resources to get for their Christmas buying plan. Besides, the money set aside to this plan doesn't get any increase or interest. It is a dead money so to speak. If the point here is to have sufficient money for the Yuletide buy or purchase hasn't much weight. Let's not forget that every company has their plan or budget in the form of bonus to their employees given every Christmas season. In our place, the government is giving its state workers a 13th month pay which is equivalent to their half of their monthly wage or salary and another pay which is the 14th monthly pay. This is time it is a one-month pay. Therefore, those employees have more than enough money for Christmas.